
Christmas Gift Box

HK$950 from Bellota-bellotav

- hk.bellota-bellota.com

Treat your loved ones to a taste of sunny Spain with premium Jamon Iberico. Apart from the Iberian ham, this gift box also includes manchego curado cheese, mini artichoke hearts and pimientos del piquillo red peppers—enough to impress the gastronome in your life, and perfect to crack open for enjoyment immediatel­y.不妨為心愛的人送上美­味的西班牙伊比利亞火­腿,這個禮物盒除了有伊比­利亞火腿外,還有manchego curado芝士、迷你朝鮮薊心及pim­ientos del piquillo紅椒,足以令老饕大快朵頤,也為聚會增添無窮樂趣。

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