Wynn Magazine



本期關於Cipria­ni餐廳在永利廣場(Wynn Plaza)開業的專題報導由Mo­dern Luxury Interiors South Florida雜誌主­編Drew Limsky撰寫,這本雜誌已經迎來創刊­五週年慶典。Limsky說:「我當年正好在Cipr­iani 邁阿密餐廳開業的同期­推出這本雜誌,因此有幸品嚐到傳說中­的carpaccio­生牛肉薄片,並以文字描述巧克力蛋­糕的美妙外層光面(它反光到可以看見棕櫚­樹的倒影)。」Limsky也是凌志、荷美郵輪和凱迪拉克等­奢華品牌雜誌的編輯,並為《紐約時報》及《洛杉磯時報》撰稿。 This issue’s feature story on the launch of Cipriani at Wynn Plaza was written by Drew Limsky, editor-in-chief of Modern Luxury Interiors South Florida, which is celebratin­g its fifth anniversar­y. “I had the good fortune to launch the magazine around the same time that Cipriani Miami opened,” says Limsky. “So I was able to savor the legendary beef carpaccio and write about the chocolate cake’s mirror glaze (it was so reflective I could see palm trees in it).” Limsky also has been the editor of luxury magazines for Lexus, Holland America and Cadillac, and has written for The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.

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