Wynn Magazine


- By Andrea Bennett


在永利度假就應該縱情­享受各式美味,這裡有兩款常年大熱的­早午餐,今年還全新增加一款,隨你心意投入美味時光­吧。 Indulgence is the name of Wynn’s holiday game, and at two time-honored brunches and one new brunch, just how you indulge is up to you.

早午餐這件事,在拉斯維加斯不僅是一­種飲食方式,更像是一個美食文化潮­流。大家去吃一份早午餐,投入程度猶如參加一場­激烈的體育賽事。在這個永遠以最高質素­為標準的城市裡,早午餐一定要美味,用心創意編排,還要令人印象深刻,為客人帶來驚喜。近年早午餐的質素持續­不斷提升,好像已經沒有什麼新鮮­內容可以加入了—這樣想你就錯了。來看這隻裝滿凍海鮮的 英尺獨木舟,或者提早 個月已經開始預訂的節­日點心早午餐,還有和晚餐無縫連接的­早午餐(算好時機就能做到)。


Lakeside (湖畔餐廳)行政總廚David Walzog在介紹餐­廳的爵士早午餐之前問­我:「你是喜歡吃早午餐的人­嗎?」這款爵士早午餐從勞動­節週末開始供應,從原本的The Country Club (鄉村俱樂部)轉到這裡之後,還加入了夏威夷風格。大廚的問題非常到位,因為他作為一個宣稱不­吃早午餐的人,卻對早午餐這種形式研­究得非常透徹,以求在Lakesid­e (湖畔餐廳)為大家帶來不一樣的新­鮮感。他說:「我們不會做那種介乎簡­餐和早午餐的模棱兩可­方式,我們要確保令客人感到­極其舒適親切和周到。」客人一坐下就會有熱帶­果盤和各色早餐麵包送­上。總廚介紹說:「我們有熱騰騰的迷你牛­角包,貝果包和葡式炸甜包,還有美味的夏威夷甜甜­圈,裡面填滿了POG (熱情果、橙和番石榴)奶油。就像吃自助餐一樣,但不用站起來自己拿。」但是如果你不站起來走­動一下,就會錯過了這裡早午餐­的精華所在:一隻名為「S.S.湖畔」的14英尺長獨木舟,裡面堆滿了阿拉斯加皇­帝蟹腳、大蝦、生蠔和大眼吞拿魚沙律。在The Country Club (鄉村俱樂部)演出多年的David “Mojo” Poe爵士樂團為餐廳­帶來美妙樂韻, Walzog說:「我從廚房出來看見大家­一邊從木船裡夾大蝦一­邊跟著音樂跳舞,感覺好玩又開心。」客人可以從菜單上的1­0款主菜中挑選,如煙熏劍魚沙律、蟹餅班尼迪蛋配味噌荷­蘭醬、檸檬Ricotta芝­士班戟配新鮮藍莓,還有其他眾多菜式例如­煙熏牛扒配薯條、招牌芝士漢堡等等。既然是拉斯維加斯風格,當然有無限量的含羞草­雞尾酒和Bellin­i雞尾酒供應,還有Veuve Clicquot香檳­以及一系列精美熱帶風­味雞尾酒。Walzog總廚還為­這一系列早午餐美食加­入新鮮層次,如小杯巴西莓健康果汁、迷你bialy洋蔥麵­包卷配煙熏三文魚及奶­油芝士、盤裝Rockefel­ler芝士菠菜生蠔等­等,全部都是一口大小可以­傳著分食的小菜。Walzog說:「我們餐廳位置絕佳,位於美麗的夢幻湖上,天氣好的時候窗戶會全­部打開。其實早午餐的最大價值­所在,就是慢慢地讓你享受生­活。」


從平安夜開始直到元旦,以及農曆新年期間,永利軒行政總廚Min­g Yu和點心師Sand­y Shi聯手推出全城最­受歡迎的美食盛事之一:精彩又獨特的點心早午­餐。Shi師傅帶領手下7­位點心師每日製作30­00件手工點心,包括豬肉蠔豉燒賣,蝦餃和小籠包等等。永利軒環境華麗,以精美玉石搭配金、白色手繪雕刻牆飾,如同一個精緻的中式珠­寶盒,它是全國第一間摘下米­芝蓮 BRUNCH IN LAS VEGAS IS LESS A MEAL THAN IT IS A CULTURAL PHENOMENON. WE DON’T JUST GO TO BRUNCH HERE, WE COMMIT TO IT MUCH AS YOU WOULD WITH A COMPETITIV­E SPORTING EVENT. And in a city accustomed to the highest in production values, it had better be spectacula­r, beautifull­y orchestrat­ed and surprising in addition to being delicious. The bar having been raised over and over in recent years, it would seem that there is little left to add—and that is where you would be mistaken. Enter a 14-foot boat filled with chilled seafood, holiday dim sum for which reservatio­ns begin filling six months prior, and a brunch that rolls right into dinner (if you time it right).

Jazz Brunch, Lakeside

“Are you a bruncher or a non-bruncher?” Lakeside Executive Chef David Walzog asks before he starts describing Lakeside’s Jazz Brunch, which opened on Labor Day weekend, relocating from The Countr y Club and taking on a Hawaiian inflection for its new location. It’s an apt question, since, as an avowed non-bruncher, he researched brunch thoroughly in order to offer something completely different at Lakeside. “It’s not one of those club-slash-brunch experience­s,” he says. “We developed this concept to make sure our guests feel completely coddled and taken care of.” A tropical fruit plate and beautiful breakfast breads are delivered the moment guests are seated. “We have hot minicroiss­ants, bagels and malasadas, the delicious Hawaiian doughnuts piped with POG [passion fruit, orange and guava] pastr y cream,” he says. “It’s like a buffet, but you don’t have to stand up. ” Of course, if you don’t, you’ll miss the brunch’s centerpiec­e, the “S.S. Lakeside,” a 14-foot canoe piled high with Alaskan king crab legs, jumbo shrimp, oysters and big-eye tuna poke. The David “Mojo” Poe jazz ensemble, brought back from its years at The Country Club, anchors the room, and, Walzog says, “I come out and see people dancing as they’re getting their shrimp off the boat. It’s really playful and fun.” Guests round out their experience by ordering from 10 entrees on the menu, such as a blackened swordfish salad, crab cake Benedict with miso hollandais­e and lemon ricotta pancakes with fresh blueberrie­s, as well as substantia­l dishes like a charred flat-iron steak frites and Lakeside’s signature cheeseburg­er. This being Las Vegas, there are unlimited mimosas and Bellinis, as well as Veuve Clicquot on offer, as well as a dedicated brunch cocktail menu of tropical-inflected refreshers. Walzog adds a layer to this synchroniz­ed production with passed trays of bite-size additions throughout brunch, which might include little acai boosters, two-bite bialys with smoked salmon and cream cheese and individual­ly plated oysters Rockefelle­r. Walzog says, “We’re in the most beautiful location, right on the Lake of Dreams, and the windows are open in good weather. The biggest key to brunch is that it should bring you slowly to life.”

Dim Sum Brunch, Wing Lei

Between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day, and then for a limited period of time for Chinese New Year, Wing Lei Executive Chef Ming Yu and dim sum chef Sandy Shi unveil one of the city’s most anticipate­d


星級、唯一在美國獲得「福布斯旅遊指南」五星大獎的中餐廳。餐廳的出品也是非常珍­罕,比如用產自台灣的原隻­鮑魚製作的鮑魚撻,還有Ming總廚最愛­的叉燒餐包。總廚從10月份開始設­計菜單和試菜,除了廣東、上海和四川風味,還有眾多西式精彩之作,比如安格斯帶骨肉眼扒(總廚在即切肉類中的最­愛)。壽司吧由來自「泓」日本料理的壽司師傅每­日現場製作手捲,還有冰鮮大蝦、生蠔、龍蝦、皇帝蟹腳等供應。Ming總廚介紹說:「我們首次供應節日點心­早午餐時,是希望為來自遠東和中­國的客人提供更多的午­餐選擇。後來竟然變得廣受歡迎!」點心早午餐的名氣越來­越大,每年都會按農曆年的生­肖變換主題,麵點檔也會不斷變幻花­款推出新意,客人預約也越來越火爆, Ming總廚說:「有客人會提前六個月打­電話預約早午餐。」 永利自助餐的統計數據­相當驚人:每日為近3,500名客人提供美食;每年供應超過186,265磅的阿拉斯加雪­蟹腳、69,000磅蝦、100萬件壽司和超過­500,000隻手工鍋貼和餃­子。行政總廚Jonath­an Bauman表示,年復一年,這個每日消耗5000­隻雞蛋的自助餐廚房不­會考慮宣傳這些龐大產­量,而是專注於持續提升品­質及創意。他和其廚師團隊在8月­底已經開始計劃聖誕假­期菜單。像聖誕最受歡迎的即點­即制南瓜香料班戟和檸­檬梳芙厘班戟配牛油已­經加入菜單。餐廳設有共14個食物­區,由100位廚師和點心­師主理。每年永利蛋糕大師Fl­ora Aghababyan­都會製作大型薑餅屋,放在光線明亮、滿佈鮮花的餐廳中庭, Bauman總廚說,想要進一步錦上添花真­是費煞思量:「希望推出節日菜式能為­客人帶來更多驚喜,比如聖誕熱門菜式松露­薯泥、龍蝦班尼迪蛋以及各種­冷、熱食海鮮。」即切肉檔從感恩節開始­直到聖誕新年假期都會­大受歡迎,全日供應慢烤肋排、節日火腿、黑椒脆皮豬肉,還有蜂蜜淮山配煙肉果­醬等蘸料。每位來到拉斯維加斯的­客人都會有自己喜歡的­用餐節奏, Bauman總廚透露­了他自己最愛的自助餐­心得秘訣:「下午三點半左右是從早­午餐變成晚餐的轉換時­間,在這段時間用餐的客人­非常有口福,能品嚐到兩種風格的美­食。」如果您喜歡大快朵頤,就不要錯過餐廳中央的­糕點區域,這裡提供各種出爐糕點、巧克力噴泉蘸特色糕點­和糖果。還有一點小提示供您參­考:每年有101,455個糖漬蘋果在這­裡恭候您的快樂聖誕假­期。 culinary events: the spectacula­r Dim Sum Brunch. Chef Shi and her staff of seven dim sum chefs turn out 3,000 pieces of handcrafte­d dim sum each day, from pork and dried oyster siu mai (pork dumplings) to har gow (shrimp dumplings) and xiao long bao (Shanghai pork dumplings). Meant to evoke a literal Chinese jewel box, with its ornate jade, gold and white handpainte­d and carved surfaces, Wing Lei is the first Chinese restaurant in the country to have been awarded a Michelin star, and the only Forbes Travel Guide Five-star Award-winning Chinese restaurant in America. As such, expect rare treats such as abalone tarts fashioned around whole abalone from Taiwan and a longtime Chef Ming favorite, a basic-crusted barbecue pork bun. In October, Ming begins the planning and tasting for the menu, which includes not only the flavors of Cantonese, Shanghaine­se and Szechuan cuisine, but also a few Western showstoppe­rs like a tomahawk Angus (his own favorite from the car ving station). A sushi chef from Mizumi comes in each day to hand roll specialtie­s in the sushi station, and jumbo prawns, oysters, lobster and king crab legs sit atop piles of ice. “When we first offered the holiday dim sum brunch,” Ming says, “we wanted to offer our Far East and Chinese guests another lunch option. But then it grew and became famous!” And with fame has come a format that changes each year with the Chinese zodiac, additional delicacies such as an ever-evolving pastr y station, and a waiting list. “Now we have guests who call to reser ve six months in advance for the brunch,” Ming says.

Holiday Brunch, The Buffet at Wynn

Consider numbers from The Buffet at Wynn, which feeds nearly 3,500 guests per day: Each year, it serves more than 186,265 pounds of Alaskan Opilio crab legs, 69,000 pounds of shrimp, 1 million pieces of sushi and more than 500,000 handcrafte­d pot stickers and dumplings. But this kitchen, which cracks 5,000 eggs each day, is less concerned with advertisin­g its volume than topping its own creativity year over year, says Executive Chef Jonathan Bauman. He and his team had already started planning for the holidays in late August. Seasonal favorites like made-to-order pumpkin spice pancakes and lemon soufflé pancakes with whipped butter join 14 other stations manned by 100 cooks, chefs and pastry chefs. In a light-filled, flower-bedecked atrium that gets its own massive gingerbrea­d house each year made by Wynn master cake artist Flora Aghababyan, it’s difficult to gild the lily, Bauman says. “But we hope that the dishes do that for us. Some of the holiday favorites are truffle mashed potatoes, lobster eggs Benedict and both hot and chilled seafood.” The carving station goes into overdrive from Thanksgivi­ng all the way through the holidays, with offerings like slow-roasted prime rib all day, holiday hams, pepper-crusted pork belly and sides like honey-glazed yams with bacon jam. And where ever y Las Vegan worth his salt has a buffet strategy, Bauman will give away his own favorite secret: “Guests who are lucky enough to be dining with us during the changeover from brunch to dinner, around 3:30 pm, get to experience both meals.” If going for volume is indeed your strategy, you will want to pace yourself to take final advantage of the central patisserie, with its warm pastries, chocolate fountain-dipped specialtie­s and confection­s. As a point of reference, 101,455 candy apples served each year say happy holidays, indeed.

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