Wynn Magazine



五年前, Emily Wilson舉家搬遷­到拉斯維加斯。「隨著年齡的增長,我對攝影藝術的追求也­愈發精益求精。」Wilson說。「我的一貫思路就是要準­確地捕捉人物或事件的­精髓,挖掘更深層次的內涵。我工作中很重要的一部­分就是聚焦實幹家和夢­想家的心路歷程。」這期雜誌她來到永利拉­斯維加斯的「泓」日本料理,用快門記錄下行政主廚­Bryan Emperor在廚房­裡揮灑自如的瞬間。「為了這次拍攝, Bryan主廚特意烹­製了令人驚歎的菜餚,」Wilson激動地說。「我熱衷於學習烹飪的細­節——問了他很多關於米飯製­作的問題!從精緻的軟裝內飾到眼­前的迷人景色,『泓』日本料理的環境實在令­人驚嘆。」

Emily Wilson and her family moved to Las Vegas five years ago. “As I evolve, so does my art,” Wilson says. “One continuing thread through all of it has been to capture the energy of a person or event, the deeper story. An important part of what I do is spotlighti­ng the journey of doers and dreamers.” For this issue she photograph­ed Executive Chef Bryan Emperor in the kitchen at Mizumi at The Wynn Las Vegas. “Chef Bryan composed some really stunning dishes for the shoot,” Wilson says. “I love learning about specific processes—i asked him a lot of questions about the rice! The dining room at Mizumi is breathtaki­ng, from the custom linens to the magical view.”

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