Cyprus Today

TRNC ministers issue decree blacklisti­ng 26 illegal groups

- By KEREM HASAN Chief Reporter

MINISTERS have renewed their ban on organisati­ons deemed illegal in the TRNC, issuing a decree blacklisti­ng 26 groups.

Those listed on Tuesday included the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Hizbullah, DHKP-C, and Greek and Greek Cypriot political party Greek National People’s Front (Elam), Hrisi Avgi and the Greek Resistance Movement (Kea).

Speaking to Cyprus Today, Prime Ministry spokesman Metin Beyoğlu said: “Decrees are only valid for one year. Therefore, the Council of Ministers at the end of December passed a new decree to continue this. Such decrees can also be updated without waiting for the year to pass as needed. No new organisati­on has been added. This decree is, however, important for the safety and security of the public, and gives a basis for legal action to be taken against those found to be members etc of these illegal organisati­ons.”

The 26 proscribed organisati­ons are: the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Hizbullah, Revolution­ary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP/C), the Islamic Great Eastern Raiders Front (IBDA-C), al Qaeda, National Voice of Greek-Souled Youth (Efen), Hrisi Avgi, Greek National People’s Front (Elam), Greek Resistance Movement (Kea), Black Brigade Organisati­on, the Kurdistan Communitie­s Union (KCK), the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD), the People’s Protection Units YPG (armed male forces of PYD) and YPJ (armed female forces of PYD), Patriotic Revolution­ary Youth Movement (YDG-H), the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis/Daesh/IS), the Fethullah Terrorist Organisati­on (Fetö/PDY), People’s Defence Forces HPG (armed male forces of PKK) and YJA Star (armed female forces of PKK), the PKK-linked Civil Protection Units (YPS), HPJ (female armed forces of PJAK), YRK (male armed forces of PJAK), the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ), the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks (TAK) and the Peoples’ United Revolution­ary Movement (HBDH).

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