Cyprus Today

Browser’s Magnificen­t Seven


The Mask 8.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

A MAGICAL mask transforms a downtrodde­n bank clerk into a superhero. This high voltage parable confirmed Jim Carrey as America’s top movie comedian.

Carrey’s electric grin and personal dynamism combine with state-of-the-art special effects to produce action sequences calculated to knock your socks off.

As a superhero, Stanley Ipkiss is not a goody-goody. He robs his own bank and attacks garage mechanics who have been stiffing him for years over repairs to his beatup old car.

The ancient mask has released Stanley’s inner self but he eventually realises his new powers should be used for good, as well as having fun. He confronts mobster boss Dorian, alias Peter Greene and sweeps gangster’s moll, glamorous Cameron Diaz literally off her feet.

Based on a superhero from Marvel Comics, director Charles Russell’s movie in 1994 is also a conscious tribute to the golden age of Hollywood cartoons. Manic echoes abound of womanising skunk Pepe Le Pew, Bugs Bunny and other old favourites.

Radio Times gave it the maximum five stars: “An excuse for Carrey to move with whirlwind speed, pop his eyeballs and swap parts of his anatomy for the cartoon equivalent­s in hysterical­ly funny and tremendous­ly imaginativ­e ways.”

(All films TRNC local time)

1999 horror. Johnny Depp tours Europe looking for an ancient book co-authored by the devil. With Frank Langella. 5.15pm beIN Movies Stars

Pretty Woman.

1990 romantic comedy. Financial wheeler dealer Richard Gere falls in love with hooker Julia Roberts. 6.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

The Fast And The Furious.

2001 thriller. FBI agent Paul Walker goes undercover to investigat­e illegal street racing. With Vin Diesel. 6.20pm beIN Movies Action 2

Ghost In The Shell.

2017 sci-fi thriller. Scarlett Johansson hunts hooded terrorist Michael Pitt. 7.20pm beIN Movies Premier 2


2012 animation. A Scottish princess runs away from home to avoid marriage. Voiced by Kelly MacDonald. 7.30pm beIN Movies Family

The New World.

2005 historical drama. In 17th century Virginia, Captain John Smith alias Colin Farrell is captured by Indians and falls for Pocahontas. 7.45pm beIN Movies Stars

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