Cyprus Today

Browser’s Magnificen­t Seven


Eastern Promises 5.55pm beIN Movies Stars

A DYNAMIC thriller about the criminal underworld of the Russian mafia in London. Canadian director David Cronenberg in 2007 did for expat Russkies what Martin Scorsese did for the equally odious Sicillian gangsters of New York. This entertaini­ng tosh glamorises men of violence.

A London midwife Anna Khitrova, played by Naomi Watts, reads the diary of a Russian teenage prostitute who died in childbirth and seeks to trace the baby’s family. She stumbles across the Russkie underworld and a web of people trafficker­s. Anna runs foul of the mafia’s perverted loyalties, but finds an unlikely protector in exiled Russian chauffeur Nikolai.

Viggo Mortensen dominates this movie as Nikolai Luzhin, a wry tough guy, well down the mafia pecking order. His boss, played by Armin Mueller-Stahl, jovially runs a family restaurant as a front for criminal activities.

Steve Knight’s blood-spattered script shows a mean side of a capital most of us have happily never seen. Mortensen’s fight scene in a Turkish bath house with would be assassins makes most gangster confrontat­ions look like pillow fights.

Time Out said: “An often brutal dip into the hellish demi-mondes lurking behind bouncer-guarded London doorways. Inconceiva­ble without Mortensen’s extraordin­ary performanc­e.”

(All films TRNC local time)

2015 tense thriller. Helen Mirren tries to take out terrorists by a drone strike. With Alan Rickman. 3.55pm beIN Movies Action 2

The Terminal.

2004 comedy. Displaced East European Tom Hanks squats at Kennedy Airport, NY with the help of Catherine Zeta-Jones. 6.05pm beIN Movies Comedy

The Lovely Bones.

2009 thriller. A murdered girl recalls her fatal relationsh­ip. With Saoirse Ronan and Mark Wahlberg. 7.45pm beIN Movies Stars

The Running Man.

1987 futuristic thriller. Convicted criminal Arnold Schwarzene­gger risks death in a TV game show. With Maria Conchita Alonso. 8pm beIN Movies Action 2

Tower Heist.

2011 comedy. Hard working guys plan to rob their employer after being defrauded. With Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. 8.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

Captain America: The First Avenger.

2011 comic-book adventure. A research project turns ordinary guy Chris Evans into a superhero. 8.30pm beIN Movies Action

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