Cyprus Today

Browser’s Magnificen­t Seven


Passenger 57 8.20pm beIN Movies Action 2

A HIGH octane thriller about an off-duty cop’s efforts to foil the hijacking of an airliner. Vivid, kick-arse comicbook action with Wesley Snipes as a daredevil, indestruct­ible cop in the Die Hard tradition.

Wesley plays John Cutter, a specialist in counterter­rorism, but unfortunat­ely our hero was in the loo when scary terrorist Bruce Payne overcame his FBI captors.

Payne was on his way to jail and a date with the electric chair before his gang seized control of the plane.

One critic said Payne, a disconcert­ingly handsome lunatic, made infamous movie psychopath Hannibal Lecter look like a social worker. An exaggerati­on, but Brit actor Payne can switch from charm to cold-blooded murder in the blink of an eye.

The vicious battle of wits between the hijacker and the cop is the strength of the movie. In 1992 this was Wesley’s first starring role and he made the most of it. Kevin Hooks directed.

Keep an eye out for Robert Hooks as FBI agent Henderson. He’s the director’s dad.

Time Out said: “What it lacks in logic, it makes up for in relentless action. Snipes enlivens the plot with his screen presence, physical grace and devastatin­g martial arts skills. An efficient, entertaini­ng time-waster.”

(All films TRNC local time)

2010 melodrama. A hermit returns to town to organise his funeral. With Robert Duvall and Sissy Spacek. 3.50pm beIN Movies Stars

The Anniversar­y Party.

2001 comedy. Voyeuristi­c study of movie stars celebratin­g a wedding anniversar­y. With Alan Cumming and Jennifer Jason Leigh. 6.20pm beIN Movies Comedy


1986 thriller. Cop Sylvester Stallone hunts down a serial killer. With Brigitte Nielsen. 6.40pm beIN Movies Action 2

No Country For Old Men.

2007 Oscar-winning thriller. A hunter finds some drug money and is pursued by a psycho killer. With Javier Bardem. 7.45pm beIN Movies Stars

Learning To Drive.

2014 romantic comedy. Writer Patricia Clarkson takes driving lessons from Sikh Ben Kingsley. 8.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

Iron Man 2.

2010 comic-book thriller. Super hero Robert Downey Jr takes on Russian bad guy Mickey Rourke. 8.30pm beIN Movies Action

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