Cyprus Today

Is our children’s food making them sick?


problems have become increasing­ly prevalent in UK children — Allergy UK says the percentage of children with allergic conditions has risen dramatical­ly. Childhood cases of eczema and allergic rhinitis (hayfever) have both trebled over the last 30 years, and the prevalence of children with peanut allergy in western nations has doubled in just 10 years.

In addition, in the five years up to 2012 the number of children classed as being autistic in the UK rose by more than 50 per cent.


Although many factors are linked to chronic illnesses in children, Perro and Adams focus on what they say is one of the biggest causes: industrial­ised food.

They say over the past 20 years there have been significan­t changes in the food supply, and weed and insect resistance has led to “alarming” increases in the amount of pesticides in food. The most significan­t increase, they say, has been in the use of glyphosate-based herbicides and ever more toxic formulatio­ns of new pesticides.

“Foods once considered ‘healthy’ are now potentiall­y full of toxicants that are causing systemic issues in our children’s guts,” explains Adams, who says that while there are no good studies of the effects of these foods in humans, animal studies point to major concerns including disruption­s of the microbiome, leaky gut and dysbiosis (an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the gut) that can lead to malfunctio­ning immune systems and inflamed brains.


There are many factors beyond food that may be involved in poor childhood health, say Perro and Adams, including toxins and toxicants such as plastics, flame-retardants, air pollution, electrosmo­g (EMFs), and chemicals from cleaning products and body products, plus stress.

Although tests can evaluate children’s exposure to and carrying load of these toxicants, they are rarely used. “The tools of medicine have not caught up with the kinds of pathogens our kids are exposed to,” stresses Adams, a medical anthropolo­gy professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

“Children are not managing this toxic soup well, and with the additional assault of food that’s full of pesticides, we are seeing precipitou­s declines in their health.”


The situation can be improved, promises Adams, who says an easy first step is to buy organic food and use filtered water. However, she says that as many families can’t afford to buy organic produce, it’s important for them to do little things like cooking at home rather than eating out, and packing healthy school lunches for their children.

“Parents need to embrace the idea that food matters,” she says, explaining it will help their children have healthy children in turn too.

“The impact of food is not only on children’s health but also on the health of future generation­s.”


The speed of health improvemen­t after a diet change depends on the underlying health of the child and their pre-existing diet, explains Perro, who says the biggest improvemen­ts are often in children who were initially sickest.

For others, the changes may be slower, especially if the family is already eating well, but getting to the root issues (sensitivit­ies to specific foods, or even chronic infections such as Lyme disease) takes time.

Children who are chronicall­y ill may develop picky eating habits, and wellmeanin­g parents might give in to their child’s demands, often for sugary or carbcontai­ning foods, because they fear the child isn’t getting any nutrition.

“It’s hard to change dietary habits,” says Perro, “but a wonderful side-effect of treating the child is that, when changes are made, often the whole family’s health improves.”


The earlier families change their diet the better, says Perro, so even before couples become parents it’s useful to do a “pre-pregnancy clean-up” of both partners’ diets.

“However, it’s never too late to begin the process, whether there’s a sick child at home or not,” she stresses.

“Even small changes can make a difference. There will be bumps in the road and bad days, but improvemen­ts will be seen if the child has been consuming a healthy diet.”

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