Cyprus Today

Pet owners warned after more animals poisoned


TWO protected wild birds, a cat and a dog have become the latest victims of indiscrimi­nate animal poisoning in the TRNC, triggering a fresh warning for pet owners to take precaution­s.

The bodies of the two western marsh harriers, along with the cat and dog, were found in a field behind Lefkoşa’s TED College during research carried out by members of the North Cyprus Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature (Kuşkor) last Friday. Poison, believed to be the insecticid­e lannate, was discovered nearby stuffed into pieces of chicken.

While the poisoned meat was handed to police for tests, the carcasses of the birds and animals were taken to the Taşkent Nature Park for examinatio­n.

“This incident should serve as another warning to pet owners that poison is still being left around to indiscrimi­nately kill all types of animals and birds,” said Damla Beton Snape of Kuşkor.

“Caution should be exercised by owners, especially when walking their pets. We want to shame the people who do such cruel things and advise anyone finding the bodies of dead animals to inform us as there are specific areas that we monitor.”

Taşkent Nature Park biologist Andrea Barden urged members of the public to call police on 155, the Environmen­tal Protection Department hotline 123 or the park’s Wildlife Support Line on 1190 if they come across suspected poisoning.

THERE was anger in Tepebaşı when a number of dead dogs were found on Wednesday, suspected to have been poisoned and then their bodies put into sacks which were dumped in a field.

LEFKOŞA Turkish Municipali­ty said on Thursday it would notify police after a member of its staff found 15 cats and four dogs poisoned in the Metehan area of the capital within one week. Just one dog survived.

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