Cyprus Today

Learning lessons from the Emirates


AFTER a recent trip to the United Arab Emirates, I was once again disappoint­ed in North Cyprus and our government­s, who I have come to the conclusion have been a huge failure.

It may be wrong of me to compare such a country with the TRNC, but they started from having nothing — no water, no roads, no buildings and no money — to reach a point where they are one of the richest, most luxurious states and a top tourist attraction.

Knowing they worked so hard to achieve everything, it is heartbreak­ing to see that even though our government­s say they work hard, they have actually achieved nothing down the years.

We have resources that are not used, such as the sun, which could produce so much electricit­y and more. Instead we remain ignorant towards such alternativ­es which could help boost our economy and even allow us to focus on establishi­ng facilities to pull in tourists, bringing more money into the country.

Another thing I was shocked to see in such a large city was that on every corner men would be working all day, cleaning, pruning the colourful flowers and even washing bins at the roadside. Smoking was banned in most areas and even dropping ash would bring you a fine — but the worst reaction you would receive would be from the locals.

Everything they do and provide for the people who visit or live in Dubai still protects their traditions and culture and is nowhere near being Westernise­d.

While sitting opposite a view of highrise buildings that are awe-inspiring because of their architectu­re, I thought: why couldn’t Cyprus be like this? A country which shows amazing hospitalit­y to its visitors and respect towards each other, no matter how strict their religious beliefs. But we choose to remain an underdevel­oped country, with uneducated people who have no futuristic vision. BS, Karaoğlano­ğlu (Name supplied)

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 ??  ?? The road to Dubai Marina
The road to Dubai Marina

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