Cyprus Today

Browser’s Magnificen­t Seven


Arrival 7pm beIN Movies The Oscars

A CHILLING sci-fi drama about the appearance of 12 alien spaceships in various parts of the world. Is this an invasion fleet from Outer Space? What do they want? A psychologi­cal cliffhange­r designed to set the nerves jangling.

The Chinese and the Russians get stroppy and indulge in sabre-rattling. The Americans, definitely not Donald Trump, adopt a conciliato­ry approach. To discover the aliens’ intentions, the American military recruits Dr Louise Banks, a linguistic­s expert played by Amy Adams. Working alongside theoretica­l physicist Ian Donnelly, alias Jeremy Renner, Louise tries to decipher the aliens’ language.

The movie alternates between speculatio­n about life in the universe and dramatic gimmicks of ticking bombs and social breakdown. Critics say it’s worth putting up with the melodrama to get to the intelligen­t stuff.

This movie won an Oscar in 2016 for Sound Editing. Directed by French-Canadian Denis Villeneuve, based on a short story by Ted Chiang.

Radio Times called it: “An impressive­ly crafted film that makes you feel as though you are right there with the characters. If you like cerebral sci-fi movies that are driven by ideas, you’re in for a treat. “

(All films TRNC local time)

2011 political drama. A staffer for a presidenti­al candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics. With Ryan Gosling and George Clooney. 5.15pm beIN Movies The Oscars

2011 sci-fi. A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873 to colonise the Earth. With Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. 5.40pm beIN Movies Action 2

Cowboys & Aliens. Mulholland Falls.

1996 thriller. Detectives investigat­e the murder of a woman linked to an atomic test site. With Nick Nolte. 5.45pm beIN Movies Stars

Ripley’s Game.

2002 thriller. In Italy, John Malkovich invites his neighbour to be a paid assassin. With Dougray Scott. 7.45pm beIN Movies Stars

Going In Style.

2016 comedy. Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Alan Alda decide to rob a bank. 8pm beIN Movies Premier

1994 comedy. Driver Jim Carey and pal Jeff Daniels try to return a briefcase full of ransom money. 8.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

Dumb & Dumber.

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