Cyprus Today

Browser’s Magnificen­t Seven


Cellular 3.50pm beIN Movies Action 2

AN EDGE-of-seat thriller about a kidnapped woman whose life depends on a single call on an improvised phone line. It’s hairy stuff.

Kim Basinger is locked in an attic alongside a smashed telephone.

Being a science teacher, she sticks a few wires together and makes one random call for help.

The bad news is she gets beach-bum Chris Evans on his mobile and he enlists the help of a goofy old cop William H Macy, on the brink of retirement.

It isn’t exactly the US cavalry riding to the rescue and the baddies are menacingly led by tough guy Brit actor Jason Statham. There are shoot outs, car chases that cause carnage around LA and lots of adrenaline high moments.

Director David R Ellis in 2004 keeps up a brisk pace. The telephone gimmick is well-sustained and writer Larry Cohen is the same guy who scripted the oddball Phone Booth where a caller is trapped in a telephone kiosk by a sniper. Larry has a hang-up about phones.

Critic Roger Ebert said: “This is one of the year’s best thrillers. Better than Phone Booth and I liked that too.”

(All films TRNC local time)

2008 Iraq war drama. Sergeant Ryan Philippe finds it difficult to settle in civvy street. With Abbie Cornish. 3.20pm beIN Movies Stars

State Of Play.

2009 thriller. A Washington journalist smells a rat when a political aide is killed. With Russell Crowe. 5.25pm beIN Movies Stars


2012 thriller. Smuggler Mark Wahlberg tries to save his dimwit brother-in-law from mobsters. With Kate Beckinsale. 5.35pm beIN Movies Action 2


2014 comedy. Chef Jon Favreau quits his job and tries to bring his estranged family together. With Sofia Vergara. 6.15pm beIN Movies Comedy

Manchester By The Sea.

2016 Oscar-winning drama. Casey Affleck returns to his hometown to confront his past. With Michelle Williams. 7pm beIN Movies The Oscars


1997 slapstick comedy. Two brothers inherit an old house and try to catch a crafty mouse. With Nathan Lane and Lee Evans. 7.30pm beIN Movies Family

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