Cyprus Today

Explosion ‘from downed Russian jet’ sparks alarm


A LOUD explosion believed by many to be from a Russian military plane downed off Syria was heard in North Cyprus on Monday night, reportedly sparking alarm.

The Air Force Ilyushin IL-20 “Coot-A” was mistakenly shot down by a Syrian air defence S-200 missile at about 11pm.

The Russian electronic intelligen­ce and radar reconnaiss­ance aircraft monitoring the Idlib province of Syria aircraft crashed into the Mediterran­ean, about 27km off the Syrian coast near Latakia, with a loss of all 15 crew members aboard.

The missile had been launched after an Israeli air strike on facilities in Latakia.

TRNC-based research biologist Robin Snape said: “I was on a yacht doing survey work in the Karpaz and we had moored in Yenierenkö­y

harbour on Monday night.

“I heard a strange sound — like thunder, but it wasn’t. We all noticed it but were unaware of events in Syria at the time.”

An expat Boğaz resident told Cyprus Today he had been “almost thrown out of bed by a huge explosion” at 11pm on Monday.

“I went on to our roof but could see nothing. In the UK papers [the next day] they were talking about a Russian military plane shot down over the Med at 11pm. Coincidenc­e or what?”

Reports from Gazimağusa quoted Mayor İsmail Arter as saying that the downing had been heard and had caused a brief panic in the town, although police said they had been unaware of the incident.

An official TRNC source asked for any details of the incident said it was “classified military informatio­n” which could not be disclosed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the downing was the result of a “chain of tragic accidental circumstan­ces”, but his Defence Ministry blamed Israel’s failure to warn them in time for the IL-20 to steer clear of danger.

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