Cyprus Today

‘Tougher on drivers who go on beaches’


A LEADING environmen­talist is calling for tougher controls to stop vehicles being driven on to beaches where they disturb nesting turtles and other wildlife.

Associate Professor Burak Ali Çiçek, chairman of the Underwater and Imaging Centre at Eastern Mediterran­ean University (EMU) and a lecturer in biological sciences, said: “Beach access for vehicles could be stopped through education, raising awareness and by imposing penalties on offenders.

“I am calling on the state to take the necessary measures, although we are also preparing our own projects to help tackle the problem.”

Dr Çiçek said his centre’s main focus was the İskele and Gazimağusa areas, and added: “In May we observed and photograph­ed many people on beaches, with some driving on to them to picnic or to launch boats, thus affecting not only turtles but also birds, sea daffodils, crabs and lizards which are in their natural environmen­t.

“Even though the municipali­ty constructe­d a slipway for launching boats, some owners still choose to use nearby beach areas where turtles nest.”

Dr Çiçek’s views were echoed by leader of the Friends Forever community group, Yusuf Şentağ, who also called on the Environmen­t Department and municipali­ties to take action over the issue. “We are prepared to erect signboards on beaches if we are given approval to do so,” he said. “Deterrent fines should also be imposed on those whose vehicles disturb, damage or destroy nesting and other wildlife sites.”

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