Cyprus Today

TRNC joins campaign to save sea daffodils


THE Forever Friends Group has taken part in environmen­tal events in Turkey to promote the protection of sea daffodils.

The group, which raises awareness of the environmen­t and cultural heritage, were invited by İstanbul’s Sariyer Municipali­ty to their Kilyos Environmen­t and Art Days. Özkan Korun, İsmail Başarır and retired teacher Mustafa Arpalıklı represente­d their group at the eighth Sea Daffodil Festival, where they manned a stand to publicise their work in North Cyprus since the group was founded in 2013 and made a forum presentati­on on the protection of the plants.

Dr Korun said the group had started with beach-cleaning activities after founder members noticed rubbish while walking on the beach, and this had gone on to include cleaning activities along the coastline and in forest areas, attracting a growing membership. One of their “shock” protests has included picking up cigarette butts left on beaches and filling plastic bottles with them before attaching them to a clothes line and putting them on display on the beach with a sign saying, “Your Works of Art”.

Forever Friends organised a “No To Plastic Bags” activity at Gazimağusa’s municipal market, where they handed out paper bags to shoppers, and have staged bird-watching and tree-planting activities. The group also alerted an expert from İstanbul to inspect the 720year-old sycamore tree in front of the Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque over concerns that it showed signs of rot. The expert submitted a report to the town’s municipali­ty, which sent a team to tend the tree.

At the end of the forum, it was decided that a joint Sea Daffodil Protection Platform would be establishe­d.

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