Cyprus Today

TC Scout leader represents Turkey, TRNC in global gathering in London


VETERAN Turkish Cypriot Scout leader Celal İzcibayar has represente­d Turkey and the TRNC at a global gathering in London.

Mr İzcibayar joined more than 4,000 other Scout leaders for the worldwide movement’s 92nd annual meeting and general assembly at Gilwell Park, a key Scout campsite and activity centre in Epping Forest, near Chingford.

Attending on behalf of both North Cyprus and Turkey, for which he is the movement’s UK representa­tive, the UK Turkish Scouting founder and president visited stands set up by Scouts from various countries, offering them traditiona­l sweetmeats including Turkish delight, dolma and pastries.

He establishe­d contacts with representa­tives including those from Pakistan, Nigeria, Britain and Denmark, and joined in a dinner thrown by Nigerian Scouts, at which he explained to fellow guests about the embargoes imposed on TRNC Scouts and gave out Turkish and TRNC flags and a special coat of arms he drew up and has had internatio­nally endorsed.

Mr İzcibayar pointed out that the UN had proclaimed the Scout movement educationa­l and called on the TRNC to add it into the school syllabus. He called on North Cyprus authoritie­s to enter into arrangemen­ts with Turkey in order to improve Scouting in the country and allow Turkish Cypriot youngsters to take part in internatio­nal Scout activities.

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