Cyprus Today

Black magic ban dents sex traffickin­g in Nigeria


FOR almost two decades, 42-year-old Patience earned a steady income sending girls from Nigeria to Europe for sex work, using black magic to stop the women from fleeing.

Now she is afraid the illegal trade could kill her.

During a ceremony in March, Oba Ewuare II, leader of the historic kingdom of Benin in southern Nigeria, invoked curses on anyone who used witchcraft to aid illegal migration.

Since then, anecdotal evidence suggests the traffickin­g has slowed although it is too soon for firm data to be collated. The number of female Nigerians arriving in Italy by boat surged to more than 11,000 in 2016 from 1,500 in 2014, with at least four in five forced into prostituti­on, according to data from the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration (IOM).

At least nine in every 10 Nigerian women trafficked to Europe come from Edo, a mostly Christian state of three million people, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (Undoc).

Many came through the hands of women like Patience, who supplement­s her income as a hairdresse­r by selling girls into overseas sex work. But the leader’s ceremony has stopped that.

“I didn’t hear directly from his mouth but through the radio and television. The Oba has stopped everything,” Patience said in her home in Benin, where she lives with her husband and four children.

“Whenever I go out, I meet girls who beg me to take them to Europe but I refuse because I don’t want to die. Everybody is afraid.”

Belief in black magic is deep-rooted in Benin, and many fear crossing their traditiona­l leader could incur death, mental breakdown or a myriad of unexplaine­d physical ailments.

“You don’t know what exactly the penalty of the curse will be. The repercussi­ons can come in several ways,” said David Edebiri, the second highest ranking chief in Benin.

He believes the Oba’s involvemen­t, inspired by repeated bad press in the internatio­nal media, has reduced traffickin­g and could help bring more trafficker­s to justice as many women involved were too afraid of juju rituals before to testify.

“It has been very, very effective and if even anything is going on now, it must be a very minute dimension. Not as it was before [when] it was becoming everybody’s game,” he said.

Patience said she trafficked dozens of girls to Europe over the past 16 years, paid by Nigerian brokers in Europe or madams.

The madams told Patience when they needed more girls and she then set about recruiting, usually at her salon.

Before leaving, the girls signed a deal that locked them into repaying thousands of dollars of debt. Patience then took them to a spiritual priest to seal the pact with a ritual.

Known as juju, such black magic rituals instil fear in a girl that her relatives will fall ill or die if they disobey their trafficker­s, go to the police or fail to pay their debts.

But when Oba Ewuare II banned juju priests from performing any ritual to aid the human trade, its effect was instant.

“No-one will ever come here again,” said David Ubebe, a juju priest who for eight years attended to a flow of women bringing girls to swear oaths at his shrine as well as phone calls from madams in Europe asking him to compel girls to pay them.

“No-one disturbs me anymore,” he said. “Even if anybody requests that I use my powers to put pressure on the girls in Europe so that they will pay, I can’t do it, because I don’t want to die.”

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Oba Ewuare II

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