Cyprus Today

Your Stars


VIRGO (August 24 September 23) Words are very important this week and should be chosen very carefully. A situation that is not to your liking does need your input, but carefully! It is very tempting to just come out and say what you think. Even so, this can affect others, so timing is important. A loved one is looking forward to something that you promised. Make that a priority.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) This week we are dealing with long-term plans and far-reaching decisions. This takes a cool head and determinat­ion. So, batting against some awkward customers? Avoid being on a sticky wicket by pulling back and refusing to argue. Knowing what you want is one thing. Getting it takes a bit of cunning and lots of patience! SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Due for a change? Well, this is a good time to plot and plan. It is, of course, tempting to leave things as they are. When they are working well, then fine. However, sometimes a change is for the best. Imagine if you were to just land on this earth all fresh and new. What would you want to do and be? It’s your choice when your mind is free.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 23 December 21) This could be the week when you find yourself that special niche: a place where you feel comfortabl­e. Maybe you are already there but have not had time to appreciate it. Space, the final frontier? No. Space is the essential first frontier if you want to feel free. That freedom of mind now brings you something special. Enjoy it. CAPRICORN (December 22 January 20) Emotional freedom surges through this week. You will speak your mind, even if you haven’t been asked your opinion. Point out where others are going wrong, even if you don’t have the right. Above all, being honest about a current relationsh­ip is high on your agenda. Will you be stirring the pot? Yes, but doesn’t it feel good?

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Do you have something to say that cannot wait? Are you boiling over because of an injustice? Well, there is no holding you back this week. However, there are good ways and bad ways to make yourself heard. You have so much charm, so why not start by using that? It is far harder for others to bother to disagree with you if you are being downright lovable! PISCES (February 20 - March 20) A new project fires your imaginatio­n. It may start as a fleeting thought. Maybe something you read puts you on a new track. Give it a chance and think it through. Who knows, a part-time interest could turn into a business. Certainly there is now the incentive to strike out and even stir things up. This is better done in business rather than at home.

ARIES (March 21 April 20) Passions are strong and emotions raw this week. Choose your words carefully. Loved ones are supportive but need to know what you want of them. An irritating meeting could be either at work or socially. Be sure that you are on firm ground and know what is going on before making a stand. When it comes to relaxation, take yourself out of any negative vibes. TAURUS (April 21 May 21) Feel like calling all the shots? A little irritated and sensitive? It can be frustratin­g when others don’t respond as fast as you would like them to. Is this a situation that you could solve alone? Being strong often gives more control to get things moving. Of course, that could mean being pretty straightfo­rward. Try not to use words that cannot be taken back.

GEMINI (May 22 June 21) There is something about you at the moment that inspires others. Could it be that knowledge has given you more confidence? Perhaps your understand­ing of others is finally paying off? Group activities and work with your colleagues is highlighte­d. A higher position of some kind is likely although it may not involve a pay rise or promotion. CANCER (June 22 July 22) There is a strong incentive now, to do your own thing. Maybe striking out on your own makes sense. Plan carefully if you haven’t already. Finances may be your sticking point, so timing is important. With extra confidence right now, something that does not suit you needs changing or even dropping altogether. Business is where this is all happening. Good luck!

LEO (July 23 August 23) A good amount of quality time spent with workmates and family is gold dust this week. There is much to catch up on and understand. Trying to make sense of what is happening may mean a few days to think and plan ahead. Even so, avoid rushing into any decisions. Your partner can be a great help on emotional issues and help you to see a clear picture.

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