Cyprus Today

Expat puts litter to use with discarded water bottle wall


AN EXPAT resident has taken a novel approach to ridding the countrysid­e of discarded plastic water bottles, but using them to create a “wall”.

Claire Lamb also called on others to do their bit to keep the TRNC clean, by joining in a Keep Tatlısu Clean event this morning.

Mrs Lamb, inspired and helped by friends Kim and Graham McIntyre, decided to put waste to good use in the no-cost wall in the garden at her Esentepe home.

She used wood lying around in her garden to create a frame, bamboo supports she found dumped on roadsides, and old water bottles — joined together with fishing twine — which were collected during local litter-picks and donated by friends and the Sea Breeze bar and restaurant.

Mrs Lamb told Cyprus Today: “I’d seen walls built with the bottles filled with sand then cemented in place, but that would’ve been a bit too heavy duty for what I wanted, so I and my fellow ‘Wombles’ set to on YouTube and Pinterest for other ideas.

“I saw a greenhouse made like my wall, enlarged the picture to get an idea of how to fix the rows and that was it.”

She added: “I now have a couple of other bottlethem­ed projects lined up, such as a canopy over my patio door to give shade, and garden furniture.”

Urging people to come along with gloves and bags to join in today’s latest Tatlısu clean-up, she said any plastic, tins or glass collected from roadsides, fields and beach would be put into the village’s recycling bins – “unless it can be turned into anything else”. Anyone interested should meet at the Kulaksız 6 site at 9am.

 ??  ?? A bottle wall made by Claire Lamb who used bottles collected at clean ups and bamboo that had been thrown on the road sides
A bottle wall made by Claire Lamb who used bottles collected at clean ups and bamboo that had been thrown on the road sides

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