Cyprus Today

Groups step in to help out NCCCT


TWO community groups have stepped in to help the North Cyprus Cancer Charity Trust (NCCCT) by donating 5,000TL each to eliminate its financial shortfall, triggered by the devaluatio­n of the Turkish lira, in purchasing medical equipment for Girne State Hospital.

A cheque presentati­on of 10,000TL was made on Monday at the Çatalköy branch of Creditwest bank where representa­tives from the British Residents Society (BRS) and Civil Emergency Service Volunteers (CESV 112) joined forces to provide the NCCCT with “much appreciate­d and much needed” funding to help pay for 10 adult and three children’s beds for cancer patients. Pat Waddington and Peter Hill of the BRS and Stephen Collard and Allan Lowden of CESV 112 were all thanked by NCCCT chairman Wendy Anderson for coming to the rescue.

“This was a first for our charity, with two organisati­ons helping us to help the local hospital help us all,” said Mrs Anderson.

“They had both read in Cyprus Today about how the final bill for beds for Girne State Hospital had escalated due to the change in the value of the TL and they both wanted to help.

“We send heartfelt thanks to the BRS and CESV and hopefully we will all be able to work together again in the future.”

Mr Collard, CESV’s operationa­l director, said his group was keen to carry on helping the community, even though they had suspended contributi­ons towards the country’s ambulance service until crew members were properly trained in first aid.

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