Cyprus Today

Your Stars


LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) It is a romantic time with plenty of chances for celebratio­n and fun. Those still looking for love must determine to be choosy and not take second best. You have waited this long, so give it a bit more time perhaps? Those who are settled with a partner find a way to make this week special. Do you both deserve a treat? Why not! Socially on a high, be sure to share the fun!

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) My, you have been busy! Maybe this is a week to step back and take stock. When full of energy, you do feel like just bulldozing your way through. Time to think may seem boring but not when it turns up the right idea. From midweek onward, you have a flash of inspiratio­n that involves others. You may be just what they need to get them moving. SAGITTARIU­S (November 23 December 21) Did last week throw up a disappoint­ment? Finding it hard to get over it? Worry not. This week’s new moon gives a fresh start. This time it’s a good one, and it will make you smile. Indeed, if you can muster the enthusiasm for a project then you can inspire others. Now, that brings real satisfacti­on and lots of fun. Remember fun? Sure you do!

CAPRICORN (December 22 January 20) Both your imaginatio­n and your heart can rush ahead now. Whatever was holding you back has either disappeare­d or is no longer important. It could also mean expanding your circle of friends and colleagues. Yes, bringing a bit of fun into the lives of others sees you on a roll. Want to start planning something for the festive season? Why not! AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Another great rush of energy and imaginatio­n hits you this week. Just out of the blue comes an idea and a plan. If it is untried and even a bit scary, give it a chance. It seems that you have a strong ally by your side and a new moon to guide you in the right direction. When it comes to love and your home life there is a definite warm and fuzzy feeling.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Such are the possibilit­ies before you that it is hard to make a plan. Start on something within easy reach and then progress from there. No need to curb your enthusiasm because now you know what you want! Let your imaginatio­n run wild and then decide what is practical. Have fun! Suddenly getting what you want seems easier. ARIES (March 21 April 20) Full of fun and optimism? You should be in this special week. Something you have been frustrated by has now passed. The path ahead seems clear and free. Keep some of your plans to yourself until you know they are practical. A loved one is at hand to give a very important opinion. Listen and then fit it to your own needs.

TAURUS (April 21 May 21) In a productive week, be ready to make some long-needed changes. Decide on your plan for the month before leaping ahead, though, and don’t expect everyone to agree with you. Those who don’t can be approached again next week. Rome was not built in a day but was certainly worth waiting for! The past must not be allowed to cloud the horizon. GEMINI (May 22 June 21) A promising new relationsh­ip needs careful handling. Please don’t be too influenced by what has gone before. Maybe someone needs to be given their marching orders. Expecting too much too soon is a danger. Say what you really mean and not what you think. It is best to bring romance into your own fuzzy world, rather than share it with others.

CANCER (June 22 July 22) What do you really want? A personal connection is on the brink of change. Before you rush ahead, give yourself the chance to really decide. What do you want the future to hold with this person? Before giving your own feelings an airing though, take the time to find out theirs. A little adjustment may be needed. Turning your back on the past? Be brave. LEO (July 23 August 23) Feeling that someone or something is just right? Know that this is what you want and need? Be honest with your feelings and unafraid of speaking about them. What others want is for the real you to come out. Be brave and show you care. With charm oozing from you this week, you sure have the advantage! Now is the time to look forward, certainly not back!

VIRGO (August 24 September 23) This is a week in which you feel extra special. A recent event has left you with a bit more confidence and rightly so! Put plenty of effort into getting what you need, but not what others think that you need. Being true to yourself is what brings real contentmen­t. Maybe feeling like some cosy nights at home? Cuddle up and enjoy.

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