Cyprus Today

H4P to close at end of month


A CHARITY that has dedicated five years to helping the TRNC’s street animals is to close at the end of the month, blaming financial difficulti­es.

Hope 4 Pets (H4P) chairman Stephanie Harrison-Croft made the surprise announceme­nt on Thursday night, writing on social media that H4P would end its charitable activities on October 31.

In an echo of warnings in Cyprus Today five weeks ago that the ongoing currency crisis was hitting charity spending power for six, she said the decision — made with “heavy hearts” — was down to a lack of donations, coinciding with the devaluatio­n of the TL, which meant that for the last six months the charity had spent more than it “earned”. The problem meant H4P was no longer “sustainabl­e”, but would continue to cover its current commitment­s with its remaining funds.

She also cited “personal commitment­s” which meant the charity’s officials could not give enough time to it “for the foreseeabl­e future”.

Establishe­d five years ago as a Facebook page by Maria Chappell, H4P became a UK-registered charity in 2016 and the following year achieved registrati­on in the TRNC, where it has been run by an admin team of three: Mrs Harrison-Croft, Elizabeth Stowell and Emma Eminsoy.

The winding-up statement said it had spent just under £25,000 over the last two years on pet travel costs to send strays to new homes and and more than £37,000 on veterinary treatment — all paid for by “memorable” events and fundraiser­s.

It added that “like-minded” people had become friends and supporters during that time, and their “most[ly] . . . unrecognis­ed” work had seen them do their best

to reunite owners with lost pets; treat injured animals; help those who rescued strays; pay for operations that have saved and improved animals’ lives; and provide shelter and “innumerabl­e” bags of food to animals in need.

“We couldn’t have done this without the support, donations and commitment from you,” Mrs Harrison-Croft told the charity’s followers.

“Looking back over the years we have been tremendous­ly honoured in playing a small part in re-homing many cats and dogs that have gone on to have happy, fulfilled lives with loving families. We have helped to reduce the everincrea­sing animal population.

“We as a group, including volunteers, veterinari­ans and members, have accomplish­ed so much. We can all be proud of the difference we have made for these voiceless animals. We have done our very best during last five years, 24/7 trying to make a difference to the lives of the animals of the TRNC.”

She added: “This has been a very emotional time for us all and we would again like to give massive thanks to all of you for all the help and support, however large or small and in whatever form it took. You have helped us help the animals of the TRNC.”

HOPE 4 Pets (H4P) would like to thank the following people for the amazing dedication and help at September 23’s live auction: everyone who most kindly donated quality items for the auction and the people who generously bid on them; Sandra and Eddie of Bar 33 Ozanköy, for superbly hosting the event; Barbara and Graham Burton, Karen Lain and Sarah Heffernan for giving their time

freely to expertly organise the whole event which ran so smoothly; and last but not least our fun-filled auctioneer­s, Denise Phillips and Can Gazi from BRT, who made the whole day entertaini­ng from beginning to end.

With the team effort by all we raised the outstandin­g amount of 13,088TL.

Hope 4 Pets charity

 ??  ?? Some items which went under the hammer during the auction at Ozanköy's Bar 33 last week
Some items which went under the hammer during the auction at Ozanköy's Bar 33 last week
 ??  ??

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