Cyprus Today

‘Pope will consider North Korea invite’


POPE Francis on Thursday received an invitation to visit North Korea and the pontiff indicated he would consider making what would be a landmark trip to a nation known for severe restrictio­ns on religious practice, according to South Korean officials.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in relayed the invitation from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to the pope verbally during a 35-minute meeting in the Vatican.

North Korea’s constituti­on guarantees freedom of religion as long as it does not undermine the state.

But beyond a handful of state-controlled places of worship, including a Catholic church in the capital of Pyongyang, no open religious activity is allowed and the authoritie­s have repeatedly jailed foreign missionari­es.

Mr Kim told Mr Moon, a Catholic, of his wish to meet the pontiff during a meeting last month and the South Korean leader announced before the trip that he would be relaying the message.

According to the president’s office, Pope Francis expressed his strong support for efforts to bring peace to the Korean peninsula. Mr Moon’s office quoted the pope as telling him: “Do not stop, move forward. Do not be afraid.”

Asked if Mr Kim should send a formal invitation, Mr Moon’s office quoted the pope as responding to him: “Your message is already sufficient but it would be good for him to send a formal invitation.”

A meeting with Pope Francis would be the latest in a string of major diplomatic meetings for Kim Jong Un this year. The two Koreas have held three summits this year. Mr Kim also held an unpreceden­ted summit with US President Donald Trump in Singapore in June, where the leaders promised to work toward denucleari­sation of the Korean peninsula.

The pope is expected to visit neighbouri­ng Japan next year and the proposed North Korea visit comes as China improves relations with the Holy See.

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