Cyprus Today

‘Wild West’ Britain

- With Stephen Day

THE UK media have taken to describing modern Britain as being akin to America’s “Wild West”. Alarmist? Maybe, but it is a term that will ring true if you live in London or many other of Britain’s cities and large towns.

The murder rate in London alone outstrippe­d New York’s for the first time this year. Knife crime generally and the resultant deaths of often young people, in full public gaze, is becoming all too frequent for comfort. The murderous perpetrato­rs of such violence appear to have no fear of being caught, or indeed being punished if they are. Gun crime is also up. It feels like the UK’s streets are out of control. People live in fear, the criminals do not. Political correctnes­s dictates that whole areas of Britain’s cities have effectivel­y become police “nogo areas”.

Burglaries go undetected and unsolved. The police have retreated behind their computers and abandoned the streets. Murderers get “life sentences” which turn out to be nothing of the sort. They are released “early”, being judged by “experts” as “rehabilita­ted” or “reformed”, and are set free (if only their victims could be).

Britain’s prisons are reportedly “out of control” with drugs being freely flown in by “drones” and prison officers regularly attacked. Neither the police nor Britain’s so-called “criminal justice system” provide any deterrent to real crime whatsoever. Britain might have abolished capital punishment in 1965 but it still has a “death penalty” — increasing­ly suffered by the innocent, not the guilty.

Proven gang rape has gone on for years undetected. Why? So the community that most of its perpetrato­rs came from “is not offended”. Nobody dare say that such offenders are often extreme Muslims. Why not, for God’s sake, especially when it proves to be true? How can you deal with a problem if you dare not identify it? What about the law-abiding, including the majority of Muslims, who have to live with such anarchy daily?

UK law “enforcemen­t” is nothing of the kind. It is a sick joke, made worse by politician­s without the guts to tackle lawlessnes­s or recognise its causes. When the so-called political mainstream abandons the law-abiding, it creates a vacuum of fear that the extremes of politics are only too happy to fill. Talk about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

Britain needs to make “life sentences” mean “life”. Its courts and prisons need to downgrade “rehabilita­tion” and relatively upgrade “punishment”. The police need to get back on the streets, get rid of the “high-visibility” jackets (everybody wears one) and make the uniform respected again. Downgrade “human rights” that provide the lawless with a multitude of reasons why they should not be punished and upgrade “civil rights” so the law abiding are protected once again. Let’s make the criminals fearful, not Joe Public. That would make a novel change, wouldn’t it? If anything needs “rehabilita­ting” it’s “deterrence”.

Which brings us to a touchy subject: capital punishment. Tory MP John Hayes has called on the UK government to “reconsider” the option. He wants them to merely address the balance of its merits and demerits, that’s all. He wonders if the option of the death penalty should be available to the courts; he doesn’t want to make it mandatory. He’s already been slapped down. A UK government spokesman replied that “innocent people may die”. Who the hell do the government think is doing the dying, right now, on Britain’s streets? The guilty?

I readily admit, that some innocents have been unjustly hanged in the past. That’s true, but the numbers who have murdered since abolition and murdered again after release, far outweigh the former. The answer to whether capital punishment would work as a deterrent lies in the balance of whether it would SAVE the lives of more innocents than our present approach. That is open to question, but why, given the present level of unpunished violence, shouldn’t Britain at least consider it? It’s beyond me.

Some will argue that no civilised society should contemplat­e judicial murder. Fine, but what is “civilised” about a society where people think they can stab somebody to death in full public view and get away with it? The answer: nothing.

A civilised society is one where wrongdoing is punished, whilst the law-abiding go about their business free from fear. Wild West Britain? I’m afraid it is.

 ??  ?? Greater Manchester police in ‘high-vis’ jackets
Greater Manchester police in ‘high-vis’ jackets
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