Cyprus Today

Showstoppe­rs hand RBL a 4,000TL donation


THE Royal British Legion (RBL) Kyrenia branch has received more than 4,000TL from a sell-out Showstoppe­rs cabaret show in June.

The two nights of entertainm­ent at Alsancak’s Black Olive Café saw music from hit shows such as Les Misérables, Aladdin, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera and Mamma Mia performed by the Theatre Players.

Chairman of the RBL Kyrenia branch David Horsfall expressed gratitude for the donation of 4,230TL, handed over on Thursday, and said: “It was a fantastic sum that we received from the youngest members of the Showstoppe­rs performers. This money will now go into RBL funds and from there will be sending money into the Poppy Appeal.”

Mr Horsfall added that the cabaret nights were the Players’ first summer event for the charity and they hoped to see more such activities as they had been “a great show and great support for us”.

Organiser Ian Chennell said he planned a similar event at Christmas and commented: “This show used to be organised by someone else in order to bring revenue in and it would always be referred to as a ‘quick and dirty’ show which would take place in the summer to boost funds just before the [Christmas] pantomime.

“This year we thought, ‘Why not take it over and start reorganisi­ng it’, and it turned out so great that we will hold one for Christmas as well.

“We do it because we love it and it’s so much the better if we can raise money from it as any money is a bonus for the RBL.”

Meanwhile the RBL announced that this year’s Last Night of the Proms screening will take place on September 18 on two big screens at the Wild Duck Café in Lapta.

Food will be available from 4pm and the show will start at 7pm. Tickets cost 20TL for members and 25TL for non-members, available from the venue, the Best Seller bookshop in Alsancak and from the RBL stall at the Lambousa Market on September 3 and 10. For more informatio­n call 0533 873 6876.

 ??  ?? Back (from left) Ian Chennell, Anthony McCartney, Dave Horsfall and Azmi Can. Front (from left) Vicki Karaca, Frankie Haigh, Jayda Whitewick and Millie Temple. Photo: Brian Joyce
Back (from left) Ian Chennell, Anthony McCartney, Dave Horsfall and Azmi Can. Front (from left) Vicki Karaca, Frankie Haigh, Jayda Whitewick and Millie Temple. Photo: Brian Joyce

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