Cyprus Today

Your Stars


LEO (July 23 - August 23) Taking a chance on love could really pay off, but pick your moment! A sense of contentmen­t comes over you, as you realise exactly what you want. Perhaps it is what you already have? Awkward moments at work lead you to question an idea. If you are going to make a suggestion here, be diplomatic. Be ready to join others at the weekend for some fun and frolics.

VIRGO (August 24 September 23) Don’t be shy about asking for help with a plan. You could be doing someone a favour. Whatever you do this week, let yourself enjoy the moment when it comes together. Some probing questions from a friend may make you feel uncomforta­ble. When you know why, you will see the humour in it. Let invitation­s come but be choosy which you accept. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) This is the time to ask for what you want and have a good chance of getting it. Just because someone has said no in the past does not mean that they cannot change their mind! Indeed, it is the best time to ask for money owed to you. Keep those finances in tiptop condition in these volatile times. It is a bad time to rely on the generosity of others. Stay sharp.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) You don’t have to twist anyone’s arm to get what you want. Just use your charm and knowledge. This time is one of action and surprises. Some moves may seem out of character, but not to someone who really knows you. When you have a chance to show your talents, you are capable of really shining! Give it your all! SAGITTARIU­S (November 23 December 21) Giving a good impression to a possible partner involves being charming and at your best. Yes, it is worth the effort! Nothing can upset your apple cart this week, not even a stubborn mule-type character. Showing others that you have more than one string to your bow makes them realise that winding you up is just a waste of time.

CAPRICORN (December 22 January 20) Stop finding excuses not to act. The stage is set for your success. A difficult conversati­on of last week seems to have cleared the air. Being mates again means making a real effort and thinking about it. Nothing is for nothing! Something or someone who you were really keen about is suddenly of no interest to you. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) This may be your last chance to get organised. At this time, you can really appreciate what others mean to you. Don’t wait until a birthday to show your appreciati­on. Anyone or anything that has made your life difficult over the last year now needs to go. Try as you may, there is not much chance of this particular leopard changing its spots!

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) This is not a week to either gamble or take chances on love. Someone close may ask a favour that you cannot grant. Of course, you feel guilty about it. Find someone who can help you out. An artistic project sees success. Have you at last written that novel? Well, there is something very creative going on in your life and it is doing you good. ARIES (March 21 April 20) A little confusion at the beginning of the week may be due to someone close not making a decision. Perhaps they just forgot? For sure, you need to find out. As much as someone wants to please you, they may be unsure how. Maybe they can help you to find a new approach to your love and your work life? Conversati­ons are for having. Preferably face to face.

TAURUS (April 21 May 21) Keep a sharp eye open for challenges at work. Try to be ready to answer a tricky question. Some conversati­ons seem disjointed. Could it be because you do not know all the facts? You may not want to, but planning ahead leaves plenty of leisure time for love. Please be honest about what you need in life and make the effort to get there. You won’t regret it. GEMINI (May 22 June 21) Delay with someone making a decision gives you the chance to change your mind, if that is what you want. What with holidays and moves, people are coming and going in your life. Do you suspect that a friendship has run its course? Maybe the other person feels the same. No need to ask the question. Just pull back and see what happens.

CANCER (June 22 July 22) Pace yourself at the beginning of what will be a very active week. Realise how successful you can be if you refuse to be held back. Those who need to be convinced that you are on the right track may want explanatio­ns. You don’t have to provide them as actions speak louder than words. As the weekend approaches, there is a growing sense of freedom.

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