Cyprus Today

Your Stars for 2020


SAGITTARIU­S (November 23 December 21) Insight means looking inside yourself and it can be emotionall­y uncomforta­ble, no doubt! However, this lovely New Year gives you the chance to make changes and finally see the truth that is all around you. Situations have disappoint­ed, people have disappoint­ed. You may have made excuses for this, sometimes even blaming yourself. Mistake. In business, it is good to think on a practical and problem-solving level. You excel at this. When it comes to emotions, however, you need to open up (if only to yourself) and admit what your heart, soul and very being need to be happy. We are not talking merely survival, we are talking joy. Although a small word, it is something that we should hope to feel on a regular basis. Please do. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH FINANCES CAN THRIVE AND ALLOW YOU TO GO AHEAD WITH A LONG-STANDING AMBITION.

CAPRICORN (December 22 January 20) The thought may have been sliding around in your head for some time now that “I deserve better than this!” You are on the right track to make changes. Of course, there are some who will think that they are perfectly happy as they are. To those I would say, “You can build on this to do even better.” Back to those who need to make changes. You may have admitted it to yourself some time back and been working on it. This grand New Year gives you the chance to finish what has been started. Continue to let others take on more tedious and time-consuming roles. You need the freedom now to be who you were meant to be once again. Step forward. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU DECIDE TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FINANCES WHICH, BY ITS VERY NATURE, SATISFIES AND PROVIDES WHAT YOU NEED.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) This is a strongly forward-looking year. Now is the time to stop looking to the past over any successes or failures. Old methods don’t work so well now. You need to take on a new set of rules and have higher expectatio­ns. The world is your oyster. Oh, you don’t like oysters? Take your pick. It doesn’t have to be a shellfish. What it does have to be is something that you truly desire. Only then will your courage and imaginatio­n let you succeed. Over the last few years, life has become complicate­d, confusing, changeable and downright scary. Maybe you just want some peace and stability. Your choices now have a chance of working in a dynamic way. Call up that strong spirit that is inside you. A supercharg­ed you will show others how it is done! OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU NEED TO “TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS” TO HAVE WHAT YOU NEED AND AVOID DISAPPOINT­MENTS.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Sometimes in the past you have lived very much in your head, trying to keep life black and white and practical. This is a good survival strategy. The year ahead, however, wants you to do more than survive. You need to feel stable and in a good place, of course. This is such a part of you that you have no need to change it. You cannot. Even so, it is a time to balance your dreams and imaginatio­ns with reality. Hold on to what is good but bring in more love, creativity and satisfacti­on. This needs you to branch out socially and be more inquisitiv­e. Some will take courses, others work voluntaril­y. A new job may beckon that uses more of your talents and shows appreciati­on. Just be aware of your choices. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU ENJOY A THRIVING SOCIAL LIFE, MAYBE TOO THRIVING? BE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR FINANCES AND HEALTH THOUGH.

ARIES (March 21 April 20) Your natural curiosity leads you to make many surprising discoverie­s about those around you. New friends may feel as though you are putting them under a microscope. Far from it. What you aim to achieve is a closeness that is really needed. Shallow relationsh­ips are not for you as you seek someone special. There is a passion that is determined to succeed. With sharp instincts and a clear view of the future, you are happy to change from frustratio­n to determinat­ion. It is not too late, you realise, to be the person that you always wanted to be. What is in the past remains loved and valuable, but in a different way. Be it a soul mate or a soul pal, whoever you find shows the way to the future. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU EXPERIENCE FRESH STARTS AND STIMULATIN­G FRIENDSHIP­S. THESE COME IN PART FROM CONCENTRAT­ION AND HARD WORK.

TAURUS (April 21 May 21) Have you sometimes felt that changes have been forced on you? Well, no more. Situations and people have shifted from your life. Sometimes you have felt the sadness and disappoint­ment that this can bring. No more looking back now, though. No more being afraid of what lies ahead. This is the year to find your strength and your “real” self. That means letting your dreams and desires filter through to your imaginatio­n. Calm your thoughts and be honest about what you really want and need from your life. At times out of your comfort zone, nonetheles­s you will discover talents and creative responses. Surprising others with your change of heart is only part of this transforma­tion. You even surprise yourself! OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND­ING LINKED TO YOUR WORKING LIFE, LEADING TO TRAVEL AND PERSONAL GROWTH.

GEMINI (May 22 June 21) In the last year, you may have come to the realisatio­n that you have more talents and charms than others realise. Indeed, in trying out some new things and observing others this is more than reinforced. So, are you still trying to fit in with what family and friends expect of you? Do they sometimes make you feel negative and unapprecia­ted? A full-on fresh start begins with understand­ing and loving yourself. This is going to be your year. Be flexible, patient, determined and creative. Be guided by your social life, getting out more and making new friends. Remember one very important thing though: knowing that you can’t please everyone, just please yourself. Be the person that you know you can be by showing courage as this New Year begins. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU DECIDE TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR DESTINY. THOSE WHO TRAVEL WITH YOU GAIN IN WEALTH AND CONFIDENCE.

CANCER (June 22 July 23) The big change this year is that you stop trying to please others so much. Now is the time to please yourself. Yes, I know that you like to feel anchored and secure. Even so, how would a boat function tethered like that? All the time, Cancer? No. Create some space for yourself to explore, grow and feel the world around you. The more sensual and imaginativ­e side of you may have been drifting in the wrong direction, blown away by chilly winds of misunderst­anding. Get into something new where there is a chance to learn and grow. Be flexible and, once again, find your lighter side. Start by depending on yourself rather than others. And that comfort blanket? Fold it up and put it out of sight. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU NEED TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FINANCES. HELP IN THIS COMES FROM A NEW AND EXCITING RELATIONSH­IP.

LEO (July 24 August 23) Deciding which direction to go in this year has nothing to do with looking at a map. Neither does it have anything to do with trying to please other people. You may feel that there is nothing wrong with just “going with the flow” and falling in with what those around you want. Still, let us stop for a moment to think about what you actually want and need. There is now the chance to improve your attitude, health and direction. Give others the chance to take over niggling and negative situations, while you seek to make real progress with your own talents and ambitions. We often talk glibly of “finding oneself”. Well, this is your chance to do just that. Any limitation­s as the year begins are self-imposed, so get rid of them quickly! OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU WORK WITH OTHERS CLOSELY. THIS IMPROVES BOTH YOUR PROSPECTS AND HEALTH CHOICES.

VIRGO (August 24 September 23) For you, this is a year of seeing things and people as they really are. This is not always comfortabl­e but it gives the chance to make long-overdue changes. Sometimes you may have hesitated to make strong changes for fear of failing. Please realise that it is normal for things to not always go to plan. If you have done your best, this cannot really be called a failure anyway. All of life is a learning curve, sometimes trickier than we would like. The year ahead, however, sees success driven by your courage, talents and optimism. You have no-one to answer to but yourself, so be yourself! January gives you a kick-start, so start on that exciting journey. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU CHOOSE TO WORK HARD TO GAIN SUCCESS. EQUALLY YOU SEE MUCH PLEASURE AND PERSONAL HAPPINESS.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Having the wisdom to know who you are is one of your lucky talents. Your feeling of self is extremely strong. Sometimes in the recent past, however, you have tried to please others by ignoring your own desires and needs. This year this must stop, or you could end up feelling frustrated with a lack of creativity and loneliness. Bump up your social life. Seek out people who think as you do. Positive influences and a return of your sense of humour are essential. True, you have a lot to give but there is also a need to be loved, appreciate­d and emotionall­y supported. There is nothing to be proved here. Rather, others need to open up to you as you are willing to open up to them. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH ROMANTIC LOVE MAY COME AND GO, THE FAMILY BEING THE BEDROCK OF YOUR TRUE FULFILMENT AND HAPPINESS.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Anyone or anything that has tried to hold you back or frustrate you needs to watch out now. This is a time when you take back control and make your position quite clear to all around you. Some parts of your life are great and successful and these you will hold on to. What you are looking at now are those that have gradually (and sometimes over some years) crept in. They have turned out to be negative and time-consuming. That time will now come back under your control. This gives you emotional freedom, satisfacti­on and a fresh sense of purpose. These changes take courage and imaginatio­n. Not always comfortabl­e, but you can do it. Show others how courage and imaginatio­n can thrive for everyone. OVERALL: A YEAR IN WHICH YOU GAIN IN EXPERIENCE AND HAPPINESS, ESPECIALLY WHERE IT RELATES TO HOME AND FAMILY.

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