Cyprus Today

Power to Priti’s elbow


THE laws on asylum seeking are vital and the UK has always been a safe haven for those whose lives are genuinely at risk because they oppose their own tyrannical government­s. That said, the present system is undoubtedl­y being abused. Not least by unscrupulo­us “people trafficker­s”. Step forward UK Home Secretary Priti Patel. She is determined to do something about it, especially concerning those who are arriving in ever increasing numbers on the UK’s southern shores, in totally unsafe inflatable craft.

She wants to amend UK law, so that any migrant arriving in Britain cannot automatica­lly claim asylum, if they have arrived from some other “safe country” before landing in the UK. The truth is, most of them have done precisely that. Indeed, to get from the land of their birth, they will have crossed a continent full of “safe countries” (including France) where, according to internatio­nal law, they should have sought asylum (if they are genuine).

Watch out for yet another round of howls of anguish from the PC brigade, especially high profile, left-leaning “human rights” lawyers, who connived with the likes of Blair to relax every immigratio­n law, to try ensure (as honourably admitted by former Labour cabinet minister, Jack Straw) future Tory government­s would never be elected. Pure gerrymande­ring of the highest order.

The average Briton is appalled by all this. They clearly see how their good nature is being massively abused and they have had enough. Priti Patel is just the person to hear their anguish. Who better to deal with the matter than a proud Briton of LEGAL Asian ancestry? All power to your elbow, Priti. Folk want their country back.

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