Cyprus Today

Bozkır becomes the first Turk to take UNGA head position

The Turkish diplomat is taking on his new role officially as the organisati­on grapples with an unpreceden­ted pandemic, and questions the future direction it should take


VOLKAN Bozkır, a highly experience­d public servant, and recently Minister for European Affairs, with almost 50 years of profession­al experience, was elected in June as presidency of UN General Assembly this year from the Western European and Others (WEOG) group of nations, and follows Nigeria’s Tijjani Muhammad-Bande.

Mr Bozkır joined Turkey’s foreign service in 1972, and has held several senior diplomatic positions, including Consul General in New York, Ambassador in Bucharest, and Permanent Representa­tive of Turkey to the EU.

Ahead of the 75th session of the presidency of UN General Assembly, Mr Bozkır sat down with UN News, to discuss how to ensure that the UN stays relevant in the decades to come, why he will be making the protection of vulnerable people and communitie­s a key issue during his year in the presidency, and how he intends to cope with the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

GA President: Of course, Covid-19 has become an overwhelmi­ng priority and focus right now. That is why I chose to adapt the theme for the 75th session of the UN. Member States chose the theme: “The future we want, the UN we need: reaffirmin­g our collective commitment to multilater­alism”. I added to that, “confrontin­g Covid-19 through effective multilater­al action”, because the pandemic is testing our institutio­ns like never before: we have a duty to take effective action at the global level to overcome this virus, and the havoc it is wreaking on our economies and societies.

UN News: The UN is 75 years old this year. What does this anniversar­y mean to you as President of the GA during this session?

GA President: Covid-19 is a global crisis the world hasn’t known since the UN was created out of the ashes of World War Two. It is not only a health crisis, but a social and economic crisis, which has exacerbate­d existing challenges the UN is seeking to overcome through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t and the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs).

The whole of humanity is in this fight together. It is time for unity. Member States have never had a more compelling reason to work closely together for the common good. And I am certain that, together, we will come out of it stronger.

In all these endeavours the UN, in particular, the General Assembly has a central role to play. Through this body, Member States set norms and direct our collective resources to addressing common challenges. Vaccines is a case in point. Will the Covid vaccine be a global common good shared equitably? This is a disease that does not respect national boundaries. We are not safe until we are all safe.

UN News: What are your thoughts on UN reform? How can the UN and GA remain relevant during the next 75 years?

GA President: This landmark anniversar­y is a unique opportunit­y to look back on what has already been achieved and build on these achievemen­ts to overcome the challenges currently facing multilater­alism and the UN.

Institutio­ns need to adapt and reform themselves to stay relevant and fit for purpose. I support the UN reform agenda, and the sweeping changes we have seen in the areas of peace and security, developmen­t and management. These steps are crucial to make the entire UN family more united and coherent.

The UN, to this day, is the only internatio­nal organisati­on with universal membership that establishe­s the norms for dealing with global problems through multilater­alism. And the General Assembly is the only UN organ where all Member States have an equal voice.

UN News: 2020 is a significan­t year for women’s rights. We are celebratin­g the 25th anniversar­y of the Beijing Declaratio­n and Platform for action and the 20th anniversar­y of the landmark UN Security Council resolution on Women, Peace and Security. What actions will you take to ensure the empowermen­t of women and girls?

GA President: Evidence shows that gender equality supports greater levels of peace and prosperity. Women often lack access to decent work, equal pay, quality education and adequate health care. They suffer from violence and discrimina­tion and are often under-represente­d in political and economic decisionma­king processes. And unfortunat­ely, with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, even the gains made in the past decades are at risk of being rolled back. That must change.

Improving women’s lives makes our societies more inclusive and productive, which helps everyone. As the principal internatio­nal standard-setting institutio­n, the UN bears a special responsibi­lity to lead by example.

For my part, I have paid special attention to gender parity while forming my own team, which now includes more women than men, and is at gender parity in senior management. And I will ensure a gender lens is applied to the work we do across peace and security, human rights, humanitari­an issues, and sustainabl­e developmen­t.

UN News: On a personal level, how did you become interested in public service? What motivates you?

GA President: As a career diplomat and politician for nearly 50 years, I have spent my entire profession­al life in public service. It was a source of pride for me to serve my country and my nation.

Now I am at the beginning of a new and equally proud chapter, where I will be serving all UN members. My motivation for taking on this challengin­g new role is my strong conviction in the effectiven­ess of multilater­al diplomacy, and also my desire to serve and make contributi­ons, even small ones in history’s flow, to the overall well-being of humanity. I cannot think of a much better place than the UN to work for that.

 ??  ?? President of the 75th Session of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkır
President of the 75th Session of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkır
 ??  ?? Ambassador Volkan Bozkır (left) of Turkey, incoming President of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, meets with Secretary-General António Guterres in January 2020.
Ambassador Volkan Bozkır (left) of Turkey, incoming President of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, meets with Secretary-General António Guterres in January 2020.

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