Cyprus Today

UK’s Raab ‘welcomes’ Ersin Tatar’s election


BRITISH Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has “welcomed” Ersin Tatar’s election. Mr Tatar was elected as the new North Cyprus president on October 18.

Taking to Twitter on Thursday, Mr Raab wrote: “The UK stands ready to support the @UN process on #Cyprus. Today I welcomed @Ersinrtata­r to his role as leader of the Turkish Cypriot community and discussed the prospects for a Cyprus peace settlement.”

Mr Raab’s tweet came a day after he spoke with Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiad­es to “reiterate the UK’s support for a peace settlement on the island”.

The UK is encouragin­g “all parties to engage in Cyprus peace talks” Mr Raab added.

On Monday Baroness Sugg, a junior minister at the Foreign, Commonweal­th and Developmen­t Office, said in reply to written questions from pro- TRNC Northern Irish peer Lord Maginnis that the British High Commission­er, Stephen Lillie, was “in contact with Mr Ersin Tatar on October 20, following his election as leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, to congratula­te him on his new role and express hope for an early return to Cyprus settlement talks”.

Lord Maginnis had asked if the British government had congratula­ted Mr Tatar and, if so, “whether the UK High Commission­er treats the government­s of the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus equally diplomatic­ally”. Baroness Sugg’s response added: “The Turkish Cypriot community is recognised in Cyprus’ constituti­on. As such, whilst the UK does not recognise the selfdeclar­ed ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ and does not treat the Turkish Cypriot community equally diplomatic­ally, we do engage with the Turkish Cypriot community.” Meanwhile on Thursday Mr Tatar received a small delegation led by the head of the UN peacekeepi­ng force in Cyprus Elizabeth Spehar. Mr Tatar’s new aides Ergün Olgun and Osman Ertuğ were also present. According to a statement released by Mr Tatar’s office, the president told Ms Spehar that negotiatio­ns for a federal settlement in Cyprus were “in the past”. Any potential solution should be based on “two states and equal sovereignt­y, Mr Tatar said. The two also discussed the issue of Maraş, a planned visit to the island by the UN SecretaryG­eneral Antonio Guterres’s “temporary” Cyprus adviser Jane Holl Lute and plans to hold an “informal” conference involving the two sides of Cyprus, the UN and the island’s “guarantor” powers Turkey, Greece and the UK.

 ??  ?? British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab
British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab

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