Cyprus Today




“When they were younger it was more obvious that all five were different ages,” Don declared. “They were born two years apart. Gave my wife and me a hard time for a while.” Rowan nodded. “I bet they did, but how old are they now?” Don replied, “If you divide the square of the age of the oldest by a quarter of that same age, you get the total of their ages.” Well?


Joan shook her head. “So you find Jill’s new number interestin­g?” she asked. “Yes,” replied John, “it is an interestin­g number. Just one and a half times as much as what you get if you square the total of its three digits.” What do you make of it?


“Do you remember that cold spell last winter?” Ezra asked. “There was actually ice on the lake.” Lottie nodded. “Yes, I remember. But why?” Her husband glanced at a piece of paper in his hand. “I just figured out something about the temperatur­e that day,” he replied. “The Celsius and Fahrenheit readings both had 5 as the last figure.” What were those readings?

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Linden Lane is a long road,” Hagar commented. “What’s your number on it?” David smiled. “You figure it out,” he replied. “We’ve got all the numbers from 1 to 288, and it just happens that the numbers above mine total exactly the same as those below mine.” Well?


“Look at this invoice from Kellers,” said Ross. “It’s obviously wrong, but do you see what they’ve done?” Lexi looked. “Of course, I’ve got it,” she replied. “They interchang­ed pounds and pence, making it just 7p less than three times what it should be. A careless mistake.” She was right, so what was the correct amount?

“I’ve only met one of them, you know,” said Eleanor. “The guy with the beard. Which is he?” “You work it out. Two of them are married, two have blue eyes, and two are clean shaven,” Eoghan told her. “The bearded chap has brown eyes, Lewis’s wife is Caleb’s sister, and the bachelor has the same coloured eyes as Rashid.” What is the name of the man with the beard?

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