Cyprus Today



I WALKED up to the Günsel

B9 vehicle – with co-driver and NEU Car Museum director Ulus Candanal – who invited me to sit at the wheel. He asked me to press the ‘D’ button while my foot was on the brake.

There was absolutely no sound of an engine, or a change of gear or vibration. The interior is immaculate – it has a touch-screen computer, part leather and fabric seats, and a dashboard that offers plenty of space and comfort.

After being asked to drive off I gently put my foot on the accelerato­r and the car silently started moving off.

It was an amazing feeling. The steering wheel was easy to turn. I cannot explain how proud I was to be driving a vehicle that has been years in the making.

The smooth and comfortabl­e feel of the vehicle inspired me to put my foot down, which I did. The vehicle is agile and speeds up very quickly, a nippy ride.

There are no gear changes and no gear stick. It’s simple. The vehicle just goes smoothly, comfortabl­y, and silently. It’s a unique experience compared to driving any fuel-based vehicle.

Prof Günsel told me after my drive around the NEU test track that the select few who have so far test driven the Günsel, such as President Ersin Tatar, say that it has exceeded their expectatio­ns.

“They love the performanc­e of the vehicle and its agility, which is one of the features of the electric car,” he said.

“The vehicle is able to give all its power without having to go through any mechanical shifts.

“The Günsel has 190 horsepower, allowing for a very enjoyable drive. . . And because there is no internal combustion of the engine . . . there is no vibration.

“I love automobile­s and motors, and have a passion for the sound of motors, which I see as music, an art. However the world is heading towards electric cars. Therefore we have devised an innovative vehicle that is both environmen­tally friendly and economical for its owner.”

The Günsel car series is to be produced exclusivel­y in the TRNC with 10,000 parts. A prototype of a second Günsel model, the J9 SUV, will be unveiled at a later date, NEU said.

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