Cyprus Today



THIS time last year most of us had never played bridge online before. So, so different to playing face-to-face in a club, the change in etiquette being striking. That quintessen­tial first question in face-to-face play – “Any questions partner?” – now seems a distant memory and I marvel how comparativ­ely easily I have adapted to the faceless electronic play.

Initially, however, online play appeared somewhat surreal including the greetings of “Hi”, “ops”, “Wc ops”, etc, every time there was a change over, when the cards had already been dealt, and were staring me in the face.

For months I was fearful of miscalcula­ting my cards if I engaged in the trivia of greeting, and must have seemed rude. But, over time, I have come to understand the importance of welcoming the opponents, and now immediatel­y greet or acknowledg­e, accepting it as the new etiquette.

English not being my mother tongue, I have always had some difficulty in understand­ing non-standard expression­s, and I certainly never anticipate­d the use of acronyms in the chat would be so challengin­g, more even than the game itself! Initially I was baffled by “TY”, “SY”, “NP”, “WP”, and also “LOL” frequently used by one of the players when anything seemed remotely funny to him.

Some acronyms took me a good while to get used to, such as “GLP” by an opponent. I remember when first coming across it, I had nervously doubled the opponent’s bid, and was about to make my opening lead. The message was to the table, but I took it personally to mean “Gallop” or “Gulp” and saw it as an insult, as if I am a horse! Then, one day the penny dropped – this remark was directed at the sender’s partner, wishing her luck! I was similarly perplexed when one player typed “TFG” at the end of a round. Eventually I picked up courage to ask him the meaning, and received the answer “Thank you For the Games”. Very gentlemanl­y, indeed! I like to think I’ve got the hang of it now. But, recently I was still flummoxed when someone typed “GTG” on the last board. Can anyone please explain? (ed. - Got to Go?)

In the meantime, “TDO” (Thanks Directors and Organisers)! “ILYA” (I Love You All).

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