Cyprus Today

Turkish schools in Saudi Arabia to close by 2021


SAUDI Arabia will shut down eight Turkish schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education operating in the capital Riyadh and other provinces at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, according to informatio­n from diplomatic sources on Wednesday.

The Saudi Education Ministry wrote to school administra­tions in the northweste­rn Tabuk, Riyadh, Ta’if and Jeddah provinces.

The Saudi Education Ministry said, “Activities at the Turkish schools will be terminated at the end of this academic year, facilitati­on will be provided for students to enroll in the schools of their choice, and school administra­tions should inform parents about the decision.”

Sources say that 2,256 students, who are not fluent in Arabic, will have difficulty if they continue their education linked to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education.

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