Cyprus Today

Esentepe Mayor Erdoğan should stop praising himself for his beach project


CONGRATULA­TIONS to [Esentepe Mayor] Cemal Erdoğan. It is reported that he is posting on Facebook that the municipali­ty beach project is now complete. I take it this means the restaurant, which is rumoured to belong to him and his family. What, therefore, is happening to the other restaurant building which is already there? Perhaps this is going to be left to become the same shambles that the rest of Esentepe has already become. Rather than give himself a “pat on the back for HIS beach project”, in my opinion, and I believe many others, he would do better to get the piles and mountains of rubbish collected from the bins that haven’t been emptied for weeks.

I wrote to you [Cyprus Today] a month ago highlighti­ng this. When you contacted Esentepe Municipali­ty, they said it was because of a broken down lorry and that they had now replaced it with another one and everything would be okay. WELL IT IS NOT MR ERDOĞAN, as you well know. We have had NO refuse collection for nearly four weeks AGAIN. If you are incapable of doing what you are paid for (as seems to be the case) then resign and get someone who is actually competent to be mayor in.

Mr Erdoğan also bleats about the water and states those connected to the supply receive it properly. WELL WE DON’T ON GREATSTONE PARK!

Yes, the water is regularly on, but we get a maximum of about TWO PINTS AN HOUR when it is because the pressure is so low. His water manager recently stated that people connected to mains water are able to fill their swimming pools easily. I reckon it would take us about a week to top it up by a couple of inches if it was on non-stop due to the lack of pressure. I have also informed Esentepe Municipali­ty about a neighbour’s pool which is bright green and full of mosquito larvae and is therefore a health hazard. What have they done about it? Like usual, absolutely nothing.

It has been alleged that many municipali­ty workers have been seconded to complete Mr Erdoğan’s “beach project”. I cannot state that, but I do know that when he applauded himself on Facebook he received comments about the lack of refuse collection and the piles of rubbish in the village.

So ‘Mr Erdoğan’ there are three things for YOU to sort out. Firstly get the damn refuse bins emptied WEEKLY rather than every three or four weeks. THAT IS WHAT WE PAY FOR!

Secondly, get the water pressure turned up so that we ALL get it at a reasonable rate, and not just those who live in the village or near where you live. Thirdly, do something about the health hazard swimming pools when they are reported to you. IN OTHER WORDS DO YOUR JOB!

Graeme Petty, Esentepe

Cyprus Today note: Esentepe Mayor Cemal Erdoğan said that he did not accept the issues raised regarding water pressure as a complaint.

He added that it is “not possible” that a complaint about a swimming pool would not have been dealt with. Esentepe Municipali­ty has previously promised to address problems regarding refuse collection, which they said were due to the breakdown of rubbish collection trucks.

 ??  ?? The revamped Esentepe beach
The revamped Esentepe beach

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