Cyprus Today

Unions slam fuel prices increase, warn of ‘action’


UNIONS have slammed an increase in fuel prices, the third in the space of 45 days.

On Tuesday pump prices went up by as much as 48 kuruş per litre, following two price rises in May, which came after a period of no hikes for 10 months.

A litre of unleaded 98 Octane has gone up from 6.64TL to 7.09TL, while 95 Octane now costs 6.96TL per litre, up from 6.51TL.

A litre of Euro Diesel has risen from 6.04TL to 6.52TL and the cost of a litre of kerosene has gone up from 5.95TL to 6.37TL.

Left Movement general secretary Abdullah Korkmazhan said that it is “unacceptab­le to raise fuel prices for the third time in 45 days” and to put the “economic burden on the shoulders of low-income people and the public”.

Equal Rights and Justice Union president Eren Büyükoğlu stated that “recently many [price] increases have been made” while noting that “the minimum wage remains the same, despite the depreciati­on of the

Turkish lira and the effect of the pandemic”.

He said the monthly minimum wage, currently 3,828TL net, is “a joke” when compared to “the high prices”.

A written statement from the Cyprus Turkish Public Servants Union Kamu-Sen called on the government to “take back” the fuel price hikes and warned of “reactions” if it did not.

The statement said that the fuel hike will affect electricit­y prices and supply chains.

Türk-Sen leader Arslan Bıçaklı said that while the “majority of people’s purchasing power has decreased by almost 40-50 percent, once again the government has reached its hand into the pockets of the people by increasing fuel and bread prices”.

Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants Union head Güven Bengihan accused ministers of “protecting their own seats” while “rapidly dragging workers and low and fixed-income groups below the breadline”.

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