Cyprus Today

Covid-19 is not the only issue we must focus on

- By Ahmet Tolgay

OUR government officials say that we are managing the terrible global pandemic well on a world scale. They are right. But health is not only the fight against Covid-19 and we cannot focus solely on this issue. If only we could manage other diseases and health problems well. The lack of medication and examinatio­ns, difficulti­es in seeing a doctor by appointmen­t and our health problems have taken over as a multidimen­sional picture.

While the low number of our victims of Covid-19 are announced, the number of those who have lost their lives from other diseases is not touched on at all. Something to wonder about would be those who have died suddenly in their homes without the hand of a healthcare provider ever touching them. Cases like this have increased considerab­ly and their causes should be seriously examined.

I should mention RCH — road traffic, cancer and the heart. That is, the three horsemen of our apocalypse. They are cutting down our people so rampantly and fast that the cemeteries are filling up. Most death reports are for one of these issues. Every day, we receive the sad news about our loved ones, acquaintan­ces or those we have never met. There are also those who don’t end up in the news and newspaper obituaries. Road traffic, cancer and the heart have intensely become our fate. The three horsemen of our apocalypse . . . never leave us. They chase us persistent­ly and mercilessl­y. In fact, it is not our absolute destiny to be the victim of these neverendin­g apocalypse horsemen. Our nonconform­ity, insensitiv­ity and neglect prepare the most suitable ground for the three horsemen of our apocalypse to hunt us down. This is our painful and eerie reality. We are experienci­ng the helplessne­ss of being hunted prey in front of the horsemen of our apocalypse, who are coming at us at full speed. How long will this deadly hunt last? The answer to the question is clear and unique: for as long as we miss the mark when it comes to the rules of resistance and struggle then unfortunat­ely, this hunt will continue... Missing the mark is deliberate suicide; in fact, it is an invitation to death . . .

For example, why is it that our state and individual­s completely miss the mark when implementi­ng road traffic rules? Lawlessnes­s and disrespect for road traffic rules is death itself.

Cancer types that are not hereditary are the result of unhealthy, uncontroll­ed and passive lifestyles, malnutriti­on and environmen­tal problems.

Although we are conscious of these facts, why don’t we adopt a discipline­d and clean lifestyle as our tenet?

The same risky situations apply to the types of heart diseases. In other words, the basic rules of coping with heart diseases that are not hereditary and keeping those diseases away from ourselves are discipline­d, controlled, active and clean lifestyles.

Is it that difficult for us to comply with the life and protection guidelines that are constantly repeated in the media, in every setting and at every opportunit­y by the most authoritat­ive voices concerned with social health?

Not at all, as long as we don’t throw those guidelines on the dusty shelves of our memory and hearts for the sake of small pleasures and comfort.

Why did today’s spectrum of thought come about? Because of this: when I examined the causes of death of our young, old or middle-aged people whom we have lost in recent months, I once again encountere­d road traffic, cancer and heart factors.

There are people I know and have shared common memories with among those whose cause of death I have examined.

It is my sincere hope that my article will be a moment of silence in front of the cherished memories of those we sacrificed to the horsemen of our apocalypse and create a humble warning effect in the context of sensitivit­y to our social health and safety.

RCH — road traffic, cancer and the heart. That is, the three horsemen of our apocalypse. They are cutting down our people so rampantly and fast that the cemeteries are filling up

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