Cyprus Today

Your Stars

- With Cassandra Nye

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January The urge to splurge could clash with a desire to keep hold of your money. Is there something you really want? Is it expensive? Even if it is, this might be the last thing on your mind, if the desire to have and hold overrides everything else. But once you own it, the excitement may wear thin and you could regret your purchase. If you can hold back this temptation may pass.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February A conflict of interests could be the reason that things have come to a standstill. This may be one week when taking a step in any direction can upset someone. You might be better to forget about offending others and just do what you have to do. Even if you have to make radical decisions, it will all come good in the end. Have faith Aquarius, and it will be rewarded.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March Under this week’s unpredicta­ble skies, there is a chance there could be a disconnect with someone. You may be talking at cross purposes, or find it hard to agree on a way forward. While this matter might seem urgent at the time, it will decrease in importance, and after around 10 days you may have forgotten about it completely, which is something to think about

Aries 21 March – 20 April Keep your wits about you, as you’ll need to stay one step ahead. With Mars your ruler opposing Saturn and angling towards Uranus, frustratio­n could reach an all-time high. If something isn’t working, you won’t be shy about letting those involved know. But the more you react to what’s going on, the more impulsive you can be, which won’t help your situation at all.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May Feeling edgy? It might not get any easier, especially if you’re trying to control a situation that is escalating way out of your comfort zone. The pressure may be on you, and yet you probably feel like the last person capable of dealing with this. You can do it, whatever it is. Make a plan and stick with it. The tendency could be to jump from one solution to another, but don’t!

Gemini 22 May – 21 June Trying to force something? You can push and push, but the likelihood is you’ll end up getting nowhere. What you need is a burst of inspiratio­n, which may be possible if you quiet your mind and allow those nuggets of wisdom to rise to the surface. Once you have your breakthrou­gh, it’s all systems go. Until then, avoid doing anything that might make things worse.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July A financial matter could come to a head, and you may be wondering what to do about it. This might put a lot of pressure on you to sort it out fast. Thinking out of the box can help, but so might getting other ideas and opinions. It may be that someone suggests something you’ve never heard of, Cancer, and this can reveal a way forward that works out perfectly for you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August You may want to be friends, but something could be getting in the way. It might be that someone keeps letting you down, or that they have become distant or unpredicta­ble. If so, it’s time to take charge of the situation. While it can be easy to feel hurt or upset, another way to handle this might be to completely let it go. The outcome of doing so may mean it’s resolved quickly.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September Trying to get things done? You may be faced with distractio­ns, making it difficult to focus. These can include unexpected events, but also feelings of lethargy or a desire to procrastin­ate, which could make the week even more difficult. While there are no easy answers to this, you might try breaking plans and projects into manageable small chunks and doing a little every day.

Libra 24 September – 23 October Your love life can be going through a complex phase that could leave you wondering what to do next. With Mars opposing Saturn and forging an edgy link with Uranus, it’s possible things might not go as planned. Someone you care about may seem not to notice you, and yet another person you have no real feelings for could surprise you with a truly heartfelt gesture.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November Ready to make a big splash? It might not be as easy as you expect, with frustratio­ns and disruption­s getting in the way. Whatever you have planned could be hit by delays, or someone’s unreliabil­ity. This is not the best time to go ahead with a major project, as you likely won’t get very far. Can you put this off for another week? If so, things may take a turn for the better.

Sagittariu­s 23 November – 21 December You may prefer to do anything except what you’re supposed to. An awkward blend of energies could see you at loggerhead­s with yourself, and this can cast a shadow over a plan or project that seemed promising. There might be a way out though. It means not taking things quite so seriously, and adopting a more creative and playful approach, which may yield rich pickings.

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