Cyprus Today

Gunshots fired at GC vessel ‘falsely reported’


THE TRNC has denied reports that the Coast Guard fired four warning shots at a Greek Cypriot vessel.

South Cyprus media “falsely reported” the incident, which they said happened at 3.30am on July 16, a statement in English from the Security Forces Command said.

“TRNC Coast Guard Command units continue to undertake their duty to prevent all kinds of illegal activities at the sovereign territory and territoria­l waters of TRNC, including preventing irregular migration,” the statement said.

“In accordance with this duty, after receiving an informatio­n report, TRNC Coast Guard Command vessels started their reconnaiss­ance and surveillan­ce cruise at Morphou Bay at midnight.

“TRNC Coast Guard Command vessels on duty detected a suspicious boat that was about to enter our territoria­l waters at the Morphou Bay at 3.35am.

“As our units were about to head towards the boat so as to identify it, the abovementi­oned boat started to move towards the general south direction at high speed.

“As the boat in question proceeded towards the coast of Pyrgos, TRNC Coast Guard Command vessels on duty remained observing in the TRNC territoria­l waters.

“Contrary to the biased news reports, during this activity, the TRNC Coast Guard Command vessels did not leave the territoria­l waters of the TRNC, did not engage in any harassment nor open fire.

“These news reports will be remembered as propaganda pieces that are typically used by the Greek Cypriot Administra­tion to transform non-existent events into fictional scenarios so as to carry out negative policies and practices against the Turkish Cypriot People for years.”

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