Cyprus Today

Please put an end to the ‘Orgy Nights’

- Name and address supplied

CAN you kindly highlight the plight of the residents on the Palm Homes complex in Esentepe? Probably built by one of the most reputable developers on the island, whose remaining properties to be sold will be a mission impossible, should the current situation that we are in continue.

A pink light, in the night, can be seen on our main road and it highlights what has turned out to be nothing more than a house of ill repute, as are others that some vagabond owns.

We were all living the dream, in spectacula­r surroundin­gs, peace, quiet, idyllic, to say the least, who could ask for more? The dream of late however has turned into a nightmare!

During the Covid epidemic we all have to adhere to strict rules. That is of course unless you are willing to break all of the rules that the government lays down and treat our Prime Minister and fellow politician­s with utter contempt, showing them no respect whatsoever.

Social distancing is supposed to be the order of the day. Yet in a two-hour window between 7 and 9 in the evening, we can have 30, yes, up to 30 taxis bringing scantily clad young ladies and their strapping young bucks to party the night away. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The convoy of cars continues through the evening, as the whooping, hollering, moaning and groaning continues until they are exhausted.

Driving away, discarding their bottles and cans into the night light. Carelessly, flicking the lit cigarettes that they’ve smoked onto the surroundin­g land. Crass stupidity, madness!

Don’t they realise that the sun’s rays magnifying through their empties is all that’s needed to start a forest fire the following day? Do they care a jot — not! They are condescend­ing when talking to their elders and show no respect to the lockdown rules. They rule by fear of numbers as they rotate young ladies of the night from villa to villa.

Music blares out from each of the properties that they are using for their “Orgy Nights”. Do they sign in, leaving a contact number, or do they just remain anonymous, and move on, if positive spreading the virus as they go? They are playing Russian roulette with our lives. Madness!

They shout at the top of their voices, in an attempt to be heard over the sound of music that they pound out, fornicatin­g the nights away.

In the early hours of the morning, with the sun rising, they depart, or go to bed and sleep off their drunken stupors. Are these young women sex slaves, who have been trafficked to this island?

Is the miscreant who is allowing his properties to be used like this losing sleep, or is he up all night counting the money that his making from this illicit practice?

Is he paying tax on these rentals, and even declaring this as a business?

Little wonder the virus numbers are on the increase again. This clown is playing with our lives, your lives. Every businessma­n’s nightmare!

From here, if positive, they could be walking straight into your premises, resulting in another close down. It must stop now! We somewhat suspect this is criminal in its entirety.

Please will the Ombudsman, or indeed our Prime Minister, intervene and bring this nightmare to an end, and offer us protection?

Yours sincerely, the very angry residents of Palm Homes, Esentepe.

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