Cyprus Today

Continued failure in services

- Graeme Petty, Esentepe

AS AN update to previous letters regarding Esentepe Municipali­ty and its continued failure to provide the services that they are paid to deliver, by some miracle we have now had rubbish collection­s for TWO WEEKS in succession, for probably the first time this year. Perhaps the “mayor” [Cemal Erdoğan] has taken notice of the continued unrest amongst residents re this service (or lack of). Hopefully this will continue.

However the nondeliver­y of much needed water is actually getting worse. We at Greatstone Park had no water for six days. When we did have some on Friday, July 9, it was for around two hours only and we received approximat­ely ONE gallon at the most. I have been to the Municipali­ty, where every person was maskless as usual, to complain about this and simply got the normal response, i.e. NOTHING!

Whilst there we spoke to other people who were complainin­g about the lack of water and pressure through the system. Someone was told by a municipali­ty employee that we are not getting the Turkish water, despite the fact we are being charged for it, and are only getting water from the local Esentepe wells.

That is the reason for very little water and the resulting low pressure. . . The Central Government must be aware of how inept Cemal Erdoğan is, yet they sit back and do nothing. Erdoğan cannot even be honest with his community as he constantly refutes genuine complaints and . . . denies there are any problems whatsoever.

Well I suggest he gets himself out of his airconditi­oned office and visits some of those, like us, who are NOT receiving what we are paying good money for. This disgusting and inept failure to deliver to Esentepe residents simply what they are paying for and are therefore entitled to receive is nothing short of a disgrace and a scandal. If we are NOT getting the Turkish water why are we being charged for it?

So Erdoğan, let the residents of Esentepe have some answers rather than the usual mealy mouthed obfuscatio­n that you always deliver and let us have what we are paying for. Otherwise, I can well see the residents withholdin­g their monthly taxes until they do. I doubt the Municipali­ty would stay in business long were that to be the case. Also, it is high time the Central Government stepped in to address this farce and sort out the people or person responsibl­e.

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