Cyprus Today

Men imprisoned for human traffickin­g


FOUR men have been sentenced to a total of six years and nine months in prison for smuggling 17 people into the TRNC last August.

A panel of three judges at Gazimağusa Assize Court found Halit Tepe, Mehmet Kurkut, Serhat Şan and Mehmet Emin Çiftçi guilty of traffickin­g a group of Syrians into the country via the Tatlısu Fishermen’s Shelter.

Senior Judge Pınar Beyoğlu, reading out the verdict on Monday, said that the court had sentenced Mr Tepe, who had committed “similar” crimes in the past, to two and half years; Mr Kurkut and Mr Şan to two years each; and Mr Çiftçi, who was caught violating the Covid-19 curfew in place at the time together with the other defendants, to three months.

Judge Beyoğlu stated that the judges had considered the matter “very carefully and in detail” and noted that “exemplary sentences” should be handed down to the defendants “who helped 17 Syrian immigrants illegally enter the TRNC by boat and left them on the beach”.

The judge emphasised that the sentences should set an example “not only for the accused, but also for other people who would resort to such crimes”.

Judge Beyoğlu underlined that anyone who “allows foreigners to enter the country illegally for financial gain, commits people smuggling” and pointed out that this is a “serious crime” that carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

“Trying to use the TRNC as a stepping stone for transporti­ng migrants to Europe in exchange for money causes serious problems in the country and carries a great risk for human health,” she said, adding that the court concluded that the “most appropriat­e and fair sentence” that could be given to the defendants is imprisonme­nt.

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