Cyprus Today

Your Stars

- With Cassandra Nye

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January It’s all change where your friends are concerned Capricorn, as the Lunar Eclipse enables you to see someone, or perhaps a group, as they really are. If you’ve felt unhappy in certain social situations, then you may be ready to jettison negative associatio­ns. And while you could feel sad about doing so, it’s better to end something that’s proving bad for you and make a fresh start.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February This could be a big week, as the Lunar Eclipse can cause you to reflect on your path through life, and how happy you are with what you’re doing. You may get a revelation that encourages you to pursue a talent or explore other positive changes. You don’t have to ditch your current job or business, but a few smaller tweaks might lead to an exciting shift over coming months.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March Your eyes may be set on far horizons as this week’s Eclipse encourages you to move beyond your limits. It’s time to let go of the past and embrace fresh options that will open new doors for you. As the Sun glides into your home zone, it invites you to make more time to recharge and nurture yourself. Taking a step back from life can help you reset your priorities and plans.

Aries 21 March – 20 April If ever a week was about to change, this is the one. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio can bring buried issues to the surface. Has something been bothering you? You may have no choice but to deal with it, despite some resistance to doing so. In the end, good communicat­ion could be the biggest key to being successful, and doing what is necessary to liberate yourself from the past.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May It’s a time of growth, but first you need to let go of whatever is blocking you from progressin­g. It might be a relationsh­ip or the attitude of someone you work with that needs to be dealt with so you can move ahead. Need to take a leap of faith? Your confidence in yourself seems to be growing. You know what you want, and nothing can stop you once you put your mind to it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June You may be in a job that is holding you back, or have a routine that is slowly draining the life out of you. If so, this week’s Lunar Eclipse could be your saving grace. Events might occur that push you out of your current situation and bring new and more exciting options. And the Sun’s move into your sign this weekend will be like a rebirth, as a fresh new start awaits you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July Something is bursting to get out into the open, and it could be a talent or skill, your feelings for someone or the opportunit­y to start a business. The Lunar Eclipse in your creative zone can be crucially important to taking that next step, which might seem a big deal, but really isn’t. It’s time to move beyond your limits, and you’ll only do this by freely expressing your creativity.

Leo 24 July – 23 August Is a secret about to emerge? The Lunar Eclipse looks to be powerful, and could bring something out into the open that’s so far shunned the light. If informatio­n has been hidden because of a fear of the consequenc­es, this can very quickly change. It might not even be that big a deal. Once it’s discussed, any pressure may ease, while the atmosphere will quickly shift to the positive.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September Pent-up feelings could come bursting out, and it maybe something small that triggers them. The fact is that you may have wanted to speak about this for some while, and this can be the time. Doing so might clear the air and let others know where they stand. If plans and opportunit­ies have been delayed or muddled because of this, things could now get moving, and you can too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October Cash may come your way for a project or work done, and you’ll be glad to see it show up. It’s also possible you’ll have an expense that needs to be factored into the equation. With resourcefu­l management you could turn your financial situation around. This week, you’ll discover a lot about how you use time and money, and where you might tend to fritter it away too easily.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November You may find it hard to control your emotions as a Lunar Eclipse in your sign could coincide with displays of feeling, whether tears or frustratio­n. Acknowledg­ing all of this might trigger a breakthrou­gh and begin a process of change. And while you can prefer to go with the flow, you’ll also find that taking charge and deciding what’s best for you is far more positive.

Sagittariu­s 23 November – 21 December It may seem there is little you can do about a situation, but you do have the power to transform things. The Lunar Eclipse encourages you to think about what you do want out of life, and work to find closure on those things you don’t. An event could help you see the end of a situation that has blotted your inner landscape. What can touch you is how kind and supportive others are.*

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