Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

China challenges Microsoft and Google with own OS


China is challengin­g Microsoft’s Windows and Google’s Android, with an operating system, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.

The desktop version, which is expected to be ready by October, follows concerns about U.S. surveillan­ce and a monopoly probe of Microsoft.

Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Engineerin­g told the People’s Post and Telecommun­ications News that the OS will be first seen on desktop devices and later expanded to smartphone­s and other mobile devices.

Ni heads an OS developmen­t alliance establishe­d in March. There are still problems in the programme, including a lack of research funds and too many developers pulling in different directions, the news reports said.

“China has more than a dozen mobile OS developers with no independen­t intellectu­al property rights because their research is based on Android,” said Ni, adding future developmen­t should be led by the government.

According to the report, Ni said the end of Windows XP and the government ban on the procuremen­t of Windows 8 have opened the door to domestic OS developers.

“Our key to success lies in an environmen­t that can help us compete with Google, Apple and Microsoft,” said Ni.

The Apple iOS, Android and Windows are the basic software for almost all PCs and portable electronic­s devices in the world. The primary exception is open source Linux.

Wall St. commentato­rs said that the irony of the China announceme­nt is that the People’s Republic has been pirating U.S. hardware and software for decades. Ironically, China now hopes to use what is a legitimate way to box out other operating systems. It will, however, need to force most of its businesses and citizens to use the new OS, since it will be incompatib­le with technology used nearly everywhere else in the world.

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