Financial Mirror (Cyprus)



by Carrefour Marinopoul­os Chris Cash & Carry.

VAT is expected to rise from the end of 2007 on food and pharmaceut­icals, from 0 to 5% and on restaurant bills from 8% to 15%, while land purchases will also be subject to the higher rate, as new member states were up in arms in the rate hike, while older EU nations were allowed to delay their higher VAT.

VAT rise:

LTV in dual listing:


Subscriber channel Lumiere TV is waiting for the green light from the SEC to list its shares on both the Cyprus and Athens stock exchanges, some time by the end of the first quarter, based on higher earnings of CYP 12.5 mln in 2004,. Compared to 11.5 mln in 2003.





Cyprus Airways pilots will stage a four-hour warning strike on February 9, protesting at the way the board and the government were handling the rescue plan, in an effort to win the European Commission’s approval for a CYP 58 mln loan. The unions say the company is trying to slip in further cutbacks through the back door.


Marcos Baghdatis is headed straight home when he returns on Friday, after making it to the final of the Australian Tennis Ope, only to lose to world champ Roger Federer. Marcos’ mother Andri was hospitalis­ed with stomach pains an was subjected to a minor gallstone operation.

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