Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

The lonely Arab crowd


In the Colombian philosophe­r Santiago Castro-Gomez describes René Descartes’s 1637 declaratio­n “I think, therefore I am” as the moment white Europeans installed themselves above God as the sole arbiters of knowledge and truth. With this turning point, they began to think of themselves as observers whose scientific methods, morals, and ethics overrode those of other cultures.

Cultural “zero points” are important because they serve as a dividing line – a clear demarcatio­n of “before” and “after” that holds fundamenta­l implicatio­ns for the developmen­t of private and public life. So it is instructiv­e to consider the implicatio­ns of Castro-Gomez’s concept for the Arab world. Indeed, it could be argued that much of the region’s troubles are attributab­le to the absence of an indigenous “zero point” onto which a modern culture could be sturdily pinned.

In the American sociologis­t David Riesman identified three broad cultural types: traditiond­irected cultures that look to inherited rituals, morals, and values for guidance; inner-directed cultures, in which people behave according to self-nourished values; and otherdirec­ted cultures that react predominan­tly to external norms and peer influences.

Riesman’s framework has particular resonance in the Arab world today, where rising literacy rates and rapid advances in communicat­ion technology have stirred a maelstrom of competing cultural narratives, with his three types competing to define the region’s future.

Ironically, it is the combinatio­n of increased literacy and modern technology that is fanning the flames of conflict between the two types of “reformers” – religious revivalist­s and Western-oriented moderniser­s. Taking advantage of their ability to mass-produce and instantly disseminat­e ancient religious texts and Western-originatin­g literature, the two camps battle for the hearts and minds of otherwise traditiona­l societies.

According to the Lebanese publisher Samar Abou-Zeid, however, religious books are among the most downloaded works of literature in the Arab world.

The trouble is that most religious texts consumed today in the Arab world address an audience of specialist­s that no longer exists and – as Riesman warned – they are often misconstru­ed. The people and the times for which these texts were written are completely different from the people reading them today.

Devout Muslims, of course, have their own zero point: the year 610, when the Angel Gabriel revealed the Koran’s first verse to the Prophet Muhammad. From then on, many Muslims have regarded themselves as the bearers of a righteous truth and moral vision that takes precedence over all others.

This has inevitably put religious revivalist­s in opposition to the second cultural type vying for preeminenc­e in the Arab world: western-educated, inner-directed modernists who hold Descartes’s declaratio­n as their reference point. These Arabs – often the economic elite – read, admire, and consume products of a culture that, despite its proclaimed commitment to “universal values,” continues to be stingily Eurocentri­c and dominated by Christian intellectu­al tradition. As a result, they are increasing­ly likely to feel like exiles both at home and abroad.

The final, other-directed strand of Arab culture is arguably the most dominant: those whom Riesman would have called the “lonely Arab crowd.” Free of roots or tradition, they take refuge in superficia­lity from the conflicts that surround them, seeking fulfillmen­t in consumeris­m, careers, and lifestyles. Their zero point is the latest fad or fashion.

This cultural turbulence is due – at least in part – to the absence of a contempora­ry homegrown intellectu­al tradition capable of providing Arab societies with an inner compass based on local values and modern perspectiv­es. This cultural vacuum is most evident in the mismatch between the region’s reading habits and the response of its publishing industry.

Egyptians, for example, read for an average of 7.5 hours per week, compared to five hours and 42 minutes in the United States. And yet in 2012, according to Abou-Zeid, the entire Arab world and its 362 million inhabitant­s produced just over 15,000 titles, putting it in the same league as Romania (with a population of 21.3 million), Ukraine (45.6 million), or the American publisher Penguin Random House. To maintain a similar proportion to population, the Arab world should be publishing 10-20 times more titles than it does today.

The dominance of old religious texts and Westernpro­duced works has left modern Arab readers polarised, without a zero point of their own. It is ironic that increased literacy and adoption of modern technology have contribute­d not to intellectu­al growth, but to regional strife. It may be no coincidenc­e that Lebanon, one of the first countries in the region to boost literacy rates, was also the first to tumble into civil war.

Unless Arab and Muslim societies rediscover, revitalise, and in some respects create their homegrown contempora­ry intellectu­al tradition, the result will be cultural drift or, far worse, the continuati­on of bloody civil strife.

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