Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

CIPA evaluates global situation, to forge new investment policy


The Cyprus Investment and Promotion Agency (CIPA) hosted a brainstorm­ing session with the participat­ion of state officials, high ranking public employees and representa­tives of business bodies to review the conditions following Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, Cyprus’ promotion strategy and the reforms needed to make Cyprus an attractive and competitiv­e investment destinatio­n.

Transport, Communicat­ions and Works Minister Marios Demetriade­s said that the Cyprus economy had moved on to stabilisat­ion and growth.

“However, there is no doubt that in order to make sure this growth is permanent, we need to make structural reforms. That is the main challenge for our economy. To be able to make the necessary changes so that we can move forward,” he said.

Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism Minister Yiorgos Lakkotrypi­s added that, “the sectors which must be targeted are those on which the Cyprus economy traditiona­lly relies such as the tourism, profession­al services, shipping, energy and education sectors. These are sectors where we have and wish to boost our competitiv­e advantage or we wish to acquire such an advantage.”

Also preent was the Undersecre­tary to the President responsibl­e for public sector reform, Constantin­os Petrides.

CIPA Chairman Christodou­los Angastinio­tis referred to the importance of dialogue as a source of innovative ideas in any developmen­t process, noting that the aim of the meeting was to hear opinions and reflection­s from across the spectrum of organisati­ons active in attracting investment­s and to formulate suggestion­s and actions.

“Today we face a new environmen­t, after the successful completion of Cyprus’ bailout obligation­s and the clear improvemen­t in economic conditions and on the other, the urgent need to continue reforms.”

The CIPA Chairman made special reference to the United Kingdom’s ‘Brexit’ decision, noting that this developmen­t was an example of the extraordin­ary situations which the organisati­on, in cooperatio­n with the state, must examine in order to adapt its targets and priorities. Finally, he referred to the positive results of the joint efforts undertaken in the past, stressing that nothing should be taken for granted, particular­ly in an intensely competitiv­e and changing internatio­nal economic environmen­t, which as he stressed demands vigilance, flexibilit­y and targeted actions.

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