Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

“The Republican­s’ shallow commitment to fiscal rectitude is now being exposed as they advocate massive tax cuts for corporatio­ns and billionair­es that will add one and half trillion dollars to the deficit over the next decade”


One of the important powers of any US president is to appoint members and heads of the many agencies that are responsibl­e for i mplementin­g the country’s laws and regulation­s and, in many cases, governing the economy. Perhaps no institutio­n is more important in that regard than the Federal Reserve.

In exercising that power, Donald Trump has broken a long-standing pattern, going back almost a half-century, whereby the president reappoints (on a non-partisan basis) the incumbent Fed chair, if he or she has been seen to be doing a good job. Probably no chair has done a better job, in a particular­ly difficult moment, than Janet Yellen.

Whereas her two immediate predecesso­rs greatly tarnished the Fed’s reputation by looking the other way as massive risk was accumulati­ng – and massive fraud occurring – within the financial sector, Yellen restored the Fed’s reputation. Her calm and balanced hand nurtured broad consensus among a Federal Reserve Board characteri­sed by divergent economic philosophi­es, and she navigated the economy through a slow recovery in a period when fiscal policy was unnecessar­ily constraine­d, as duplicitou­s Republican­s hyped the dangers of deficits. The Republican­s’ shallow commitment to fiscal rectitude is now being exposed as they advocate massive tax cuts for corporatio­ns and billionair­es that will add one and half trillion dollars to the deficit over the next decade.

To be fair, Trump chose a moderate, when many in his party were pushing for an extremist. Trump, never shy about conflicts of interest, has an uncanny ability to embrace economic policies, such as the proposed tax cuts, that benefit him personally. He realised that an extremist would raise interest rates – any real-estate developer’s worst nightmare.

Trump broke with precedent in another way: he chose a non-economist. The Fed will face great challenges in the next five years, as it reverts to more normal policies. Higher interest rates could give rise to market turmoil, as asset prices undergo a significan­t “correction.” And many are expecting a major downturn in the next five years; otherwise, the economy would have experience­d an almost unheard-of decade-and-a-half expansion. While the Fed’s tool kit has been greatly expanded in the last decade, the Fed’s low interest rates and huge balance sheet – and the possibly massive increase in debt, should Trump get his tax cuts – would challenge even the best-trained economist.

Most importantl­y, there has been a bipartisan (and global) effort to depolitici­se monetary policy. The Fed, through its control of the money supply, has enormous economic power, and such power can easily be abused for political purposes – say, to generate more jobs in the short run. But lack of confidence in central banks in a world of fiat money (where central banks can create money at will) weakens long-term economic performanc­e, owing partly to fears of inflation.

Even in the absence of direct politicisa­tion, the Fed always faces a problem of “cognitive capture” by Wall Street. That’s what happened when Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke were in charge. We all know the consequenc­es: the greatest crisis in three quarters of a century, mitigated only by massive government interventi­on.

Yet, somehow, the Trump administra­tion seems to have forgotten what happened less than a decade ago. How else to explain its efforts to rescind the 2010 Dodd-Frank regulatory reforms, designed to prevent a recurrence? The consensus beyond Wall Street is that Dodd-Frank didn’t go far enough. Excessive risk taking and predatory behaviour are still real problems, as we are frequently reminded (for example, by reports about the growing volume of subprime auto loans). In one of the more insidious recent instances of malfeasanc­e, bankers at Wells Fargo simply opened accounts on behalf of customers, unbeknowns­t to them, so that it could collect additional fees.

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