Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Tesla’s board still needs more work

- By Paul Ausick

I remain a believer in the Tesla story. The company has the best product roadmap in tech and will ride multiple waves including the growth of EVs, autonomous vehicles, ride sharing, solar capture, and energy storage.

While we’re optimistic about Tesla’s future, the company’s board could still benefit from a major overhaul. The appointmen­t of Robyn Denholm to chairwoman following the SEC settlement provides a potential spark for change, as will the coming two new independen­t directors, but more changes need to be made. Analysts previously wrote about how Tesla could benefit from more truly independen­t directors on the board, and this is still true.

The company’s strong September report demonstrat­ed meaningful steps toward sustainabi­lity but may be blinding us from the reality that this same board did not have the ear of Elon Musk while he was engaging in multiple superfluou­s activities that were hurting the company. Many are strong believers in Musk as the leader of Tesla, but also realise that he, from time to time, needs to be protected from himself in trying to win every battle. It seems unrealisti­c to believe that this same board would be able to exert meaningful influence over Musk if he veers toward meaningles­s battles in the future despite the change in the chair and the two new voices.

Turning over half of the current board plus adding the two new independen­t directors would be a meaningful positive step in the right direction. This would give the company the opportunit­y to add multiple board members with manufactur­ing experience that may reduce the need for Tesla to learn from its own mistakes in the future. A stronger board would mean a stronger Tesla.

So, what’s next?

There are two key pieces of the Tesla story that will play out over the next few months. Most important are December results and the company’s ability to continue to scale production of Model 3 while increasing gross profit margin. The September quarter was a material step toward Tesla accomplish­ing its December 2018 goal to scale production and Model 3 profitabil­ity. (Source: 24/7 Wall

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